‘The eldest star’
The tropical Sun transits
this nakshatra from 2nd December until 15th of December.
Jyestha consist of a
brillant star called Antares in the constellation of Scorpio and has that fiery
element of Mars. Establishing a combination of power, courage and independence
with all its challenges. It is symbolized as a ring or earring which was
recogniced as chief or the eldest. Mental brillance and analytical abilities
are the skillful talents, that can lead to a elevated positions in life. Mercury is the associated ruler here. Strenght in out-witting
the enemy unstead of using all force. Creative genius is very applicable in
this lunar mansion. Einstein, Mozart, Beethoven, Walt Disney all had powerful
Jyestha influences. Indra the God with the thunderbolt and its association with
this nakshatra is the protector of heroes and spiritual warriors representing
the truth.
The shadow side causes
delution, poverty and fall from grace. The Moon here in debiliation can cause
serious issues of fears and the need of escape into seclusion. A hyprocritical
nature of being ethical and spiritual but taken advantage of all materialistic
possibilites. Internal conflicts will need psychological revaluations. The ego
here becomes highly sensitive and tormented. It can call to poverty and failure
on many levels because of its hyprocritical nature and secretive behaviour.
Materialistic pursuits with internal conflicts become very shallow and arrogant
if Jyestha is the ascendant.
The Moon in Jyestha can
be virtuose and irritable in the same time. There is a smooth skillful and
passionate idear in all philosophies coming with this aspect. They have a good
stamina what makes them as well at times very obstinate in perspectives. Difficult
childhood and many changes through jobs and places. But if other planets
supporting Jyeshta it can become very powerful and great wealth can be
The Sun in this nakshatra
creates a bit of fame and a respected social status. A very ambitious nature with a hard working
attitude and executive abilities is present here. Struggles with family
responsibilities but will in time with a innovative mind and psychological
talents manage to handle the situation.
Mercury here is the
natural councilor and adviser, very good writing skills with the tendency of
passion and its loose morals to establish a deep philosophical knowledge. Very
good research and detective abilities that have a very good network.
Venus in this lunar
mansion becomes very sensual and physical, which is good for theraphies and
rejuvination. Psychological prostitution is the other side of this Mars, Venus
and Mercury influence. Musicians, dancers and modeling personas are the
regognition when this lunar mansion is prominent in the chart.
Mars in its own sign of
Scorpio becomes very self-reliant and establishes selfemployment and good
mamagment skills. Police work or Millitary education is observed with this
planetary aspect. With this temperament it will cause excidents and a proneness
to health troubles.
Jupiter in Jyestha has a
profound quality which present itself through great education and a charitable
attitude. Great love for children and their education, it creates many friends
and a well liked honored person. Good placement for intent of dharma and right
Saturn here becomes very
devious when it comes to establish ethical values. Physical issues of muscular
problems, stomach trouble, issues with teeth, ears and genitial problems.
Improvement after Saturns maturity by the age of 35. Insecurities and inferior
issues are the needle cushion for to maintain ends meets.
Rahu is strong in Scorpio
and harnesses the suble energies of psychic manipulation and abilities.
Obsessions and aggressive nature. A very short temper with control issues
become very plain here. Transformational sexuality. Difficulties finding
Ketu is very imaginative
and can become very psychic with talents from past lives knowledge
inherithance. It creates a spiritual work procress which becomes a very
imporant utility to maintain.
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