Showing posts with label Planets in Nakshatras. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Planets in Nakshatras. Show all posts

Friday, October 14, 2022





The Sun transits this lunar mansion from 31 of March until 13th of April


The Star of wealth


Rewati is the last nakshatra and consist of two stars in the tail of Piesces. It relates to the galatic divine womb, revealling the end and the beginning of life circles. Rewati means the wealthy and indicates the abundance of things. Spiritual growth, deep faith and devotion are the motivations in this asterism. The spiritual nurturer, protector and recoverer has its symbolic image of an female elephant as reseiding deity. Creative intelligence is given here through its rulership of Mercury. Many talents in music or literature may blossom here. Emphasy and compassion to alleviate the struggle of humanity. It comes as well with a world of inferority and the lack of self esteem. They are very sensitive by nature and overgive, and then in the process feel depleted or taken advantage off. They need solitude to protect themselves from the harsh realities of life. Dependencies to others creating often difficult situations as they have a sensitive nervous system. Difficult childhood and experiences with nightmares and insomnia are observed here. Living near water will be of great benefit. 

Rewati is the protector of the souls on their spiritual journey to the other side of the shore.

The Moon in Rewati establishes the will of independence and ambition. Interest in ancient cultures and the love of all animals. Strong affection to mystisism and spiritual enlightenment. Excellent actors and comedians, especially when at the ascendant.

The Sun in this asterism becomes very artistic and psychic with touches of fame. Many changes throughout life and the love of travelling maintains this humorous character. Charitable and philosophical nature.

Mercury in Rewati becomes very deep when it comes to comunication and writing. Deep spiritual frequencies that touches music and mystical stories. Difficult for relationships and business. They need to listen to good advice.

Venus here becomes extra difficult when it comes to relationships as she cannot make up her mind and decides. Good for all animal rescue intentions and campaigns. Very flirtatious and sensual behaviour.

Mars in this asterism puts all his energy into spirtual endeavour, trying to get real spiritual values. Very fundamental approach of life, loving to take care of people. Very good for all musical approaches.

Jupiter in Rewati provides from early childhood a highly creative mind that is directed by spirtuality to become a spiritual teacher or adviser that can create unique interpretations. Not so good for personal relationships.

Saturn in this lunar mansion becomes the fisherman always looking for deeper meaning and ideal love compatibilites. Finding the truth about self enlightenment and spirtuality becomes the life search here. After the age of 35 circumstances will improve. Patience become the fruits, being content.

Rahu in Rewati creates talents in all technical fields and analytical procedures. Independence and manipulative characters that cannot be held back. Love of travel and avigations. Not good for personal relationships.

Ketu here establishes a very strange outlook on life here. They have the strange feeling that they not belong anywhere. Irrational and unrealistic procastinations make relationships very hard to sustain.




Thursday, October 13, 2022

Uttara Bhadrapada


Uttara Bhadrapada


The Sun transits this lunar mansion from 17th until the 31th of March


The warrior star


Uttara Bhadrapada consist of two stars, Pegasus and Andromedae which are in the constellation of Pisces. The square of Pegasus is associated to Uttara and Purva Bhadrapada giving this nakshatra pair its meaning as the scorching or flaming pair. Saturn is the ruler here and provites more restrain and control as in the previous lunar mansion. People with this lunar mansion influence are powerful and able to take care and protect those who are close to them. They love to travel and being generous and charitable. An emphacy on spiritual growth and compassion are the qualities here. Very good psychic abilities makes them to explore all possibilities. Females are very good partners bringing martial happiness and prosperity into the family. The cow and sacred animale in India is the symbol of this lunar mansion. As they evolve spirtually they will show complete indifference to wordly matters. If not Uttara Bhadrapada people creating issues with passion and aggressive behaviour. They can be very secretive and cunning with the tendency towards gossip and drama. Desires establishes karma and can lead to addictions. Saturns influence will delay success and they need to cultivate patience and thoroughness in their life. They need solitude to accomplish their spiritual and wordly aspirations.

The Moon in Uttara Bhadrapada provides a attractive and innocent charm with virtuous good hearted service orientation. Clever in speech with a wise and happy attitude. Love of children and happy marriage. Humanitarian concern.

The Sun in this lunar mansion creates a quick witted intelligence that loves to be involved in creative work. Peaceful, generous and charitable attitude with a mystic mind that can be at times diplomatic and cunning. Good workers associated with charitable work, spiritual teaching, Yoga, Astrology, Priests and Writers.

Mercury in this asterism becomes excellent through imaginative and very creative thinking abilities. It becomes a gateway for a refined spiritual interlect, that even in debiliation becomes powerful with some effort. Very good for all mystical science and teachings.

Venus here establishes an eccentric marriage and choice of partner that has strong financial impact. Great journey towards the spiritual purification and the battles of detachments. Big changes from the age of 36 to 42, good time to visit an Astrologer.

Mars in Uttara Bhadrapada becomes an action loving entity that makes spirituality the dynamo of exsistence. Open to all experiences and fearless attitude that over slow time becomes mastership. The mental focus and sharpness needs to be carefully maintained.

Jupiter in this lunar mansion becomes the teacher and advicer for all spiritual endaveours and enlightenment. Slow process still due to Saturns influences in this nakshatra. Saturn in Jupiters playground needs to focus on spirituality. The natural councelor provides wise nourishment.

Saturn in this asterism establishes a lot of changes with the exersise of perservearance and slow growth. Navigating troubled water and learn to walk on water are the methapors in this lunar mansion. One can see them only wearing black or they have some sort of hidden agenda.

Rahu in Uttara Bhadrapada creates emotional and confusing experienses that leads the native towards spiritual teachers and scriptures that becomes an obsession. Difficult childhood and problems with standart education.

Ketu in this lunar mansion establishes a sense of self-realisation that brings past lives experiences into fruitation and will lead into enlightenment. Very difficult for personal relationships and marriage. Strong sexual urges.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Purva Bhadrapada


Purva Bhadrapada


The Sun transits this nakshathra from the 4th of March until the 17th of March


The two faced star


Purva Bhadrapada consist of two main stars, known as Markab and Scheat in the body of Pegasus. Most of it is in the constellation of Aquiarius and one last bit in Pisces. It is symbolized with varius images as a sword, a bed or cot and a two faced man. Purva Bhadrapada translate as the former lucky feet. This lunar mansion enriches the world of uniqueness, eccentrics and mystical people. Jupiters rulership here provides a spiritual fire which gets easely lost in the progress of material prosperity. Ideals and vissions of the future creating intense internal purification which have deep philosophical wisdom and originality. Natives with this lunar mansion influence love to escape from the constrains of society and its poor perspectives. They become very opinionnated and have a very active nature that wants to uplift humanity. The other side of the face is cynical, impulsive and a too fast speeking idealistic philosopher. They do not well when confronted with stress and create accidents unwillingly. Very difficult in relationships as they need varieties of residences and partners. A restless mind that likes to influence others into their idealitic principles. They easely can become very stingy and miserly. The deity of this asterism is to raise the spirit towards a domain of aspirations in life, which will take the ego out of selfish behaviour into a graceful purer light.

The Moon in Purva Bhadrapada establishes spiritual depth and its teaching skills, occult knowledge and intuitive gifts. Very good in executing work in scholary writing. Witty nature with a cynical touch.

The Sun in this asterism needs more seclusion and independence. Moody nature that dislikes routines and same same. Good writing skills and good for detailed work. Creative intelligence and government connections.

Mercury in this lunar mansion establishes excellent writing and speaking talents. Many trails and errors, needs a good plan or things get lost in small details. Business like spirtuality in Aquarius part, while in Pisces it becomes more genuine.

Venus in Purva Bhadrapada creates wealth and prosperity through partners and relationships. A sense of not worthiness of some blessings and inferiority. Good for meditation, Yoga and Ayavedic therapies.

Mars in this asterism provides that spiritual fire for disciplined religions and worship. It works well through established institutions, but becomes troublesome when once own religion becomes the only way.

Jupiter in Purva Bhadrapada becomes very spiritual and suggestive to initiations. They like to provide guidance which is hard to crasp for everyone. Strong spiritual evolutions happening through this lunar mansion for the good or the worse. This asterism is not very condusive for relationships or marriage.

Saturn in this lunar mansion becomes very scientific with all its sacrifices included. Very practical in the Aquarius part and research abilities that create sound work. Social activism with slow growing leadership abilities, in Pisces the effort is more towards spirituality.

Rahu here establishes a form of obsession towards what ever they after in business or status. They feel that society ows them just for being themselves. Some inferior complex will establish some shallow water here.

Ketu in Purva Bhadrapada has the gift of past lives experiences coming forward and establishing a routine effort for the natives, where everything has been done before. They need as well put twice the amount of effort into everything. Danger of split personality. 


Sunday, October 9, 2022




The hundred Stars

The Sun transits this lunar mansion from 19th of February until 4th of March


Shatabhisha forms a large groub of stars in the constellation of Aquarius. The water bearer is known to provide the cosmic waters of healing. Pouring the nectar of imortality into mental abilities. Shatabhisha translate as the hundred physicians. Considered as fortunate constellation of kingdoms. Natives have a strong vital force and courage that will defeat to become victorious. The Kundalini energy is in blossom in this lunar mansion when carefuly been take care of. This asterism is related to Varuna the god of rain and water, he bestows as well knowledge of medicine and wisdom. Powerful healing abilities with a touch of magic can take place here. All natural and moral laws will be protected here. Its deity is the spiritual liberation and blossoming of inner potential. Powerful natural laws are here in action, for the better or worse. People with strong Shatabhisha influence are usually honest and hard working, hands on characters. Many karmic doors are open here, bringing forward knowledge of herbalism and alternative flower remedies. Karmic circumstance often bring as well illness and poor health. The symbolic circle indicates the enclosing space and the need for containing independence, selcusion and solitude. A deeply spiritual and mystical mind is present that is related to the crown chakra waiting for its release. Rahu the serpent has rulership in this nakshatra and indicating the necessary of bringing chaos into the calm and establish revitalization. Chronic illnesses are usualy contracted in this asterism, difficult childhood and many obstacles that declare restrainment and life as to much duty. The beast of burden and its harsh speech that allows to feel and become victimized.

The Moon in this lunar mansion is very charitable and principled with excellent memory and writing skills. They love psychology and Astrology and have a daring and adamant bold nature. Very artistic and opinionated striving for independence, but troubled with alcohol, drugs and deception.

The Sun in Shatahisha establishes creative genius and high intelligence, great humaniterian concern and with philosophical nature. They need some encouragment and travel experience to tune that mind. Issues with weak constitutions.

Mercury in this asterism become advicer in health industry and counceling theraphies. Very good for all techincal communcation fields and Internet work. Difficult love life and they need to work extra hard to maintain it.

Venus in this lunar mansion brings out past lives ghosts when it comes to relationships. It attract different spouses, that bring some profound change into life. Very good for all healing modalities when it gets not turned into indulgence.

Mars here wants to be the hero and exert itself ino mind and body to save the day for any soul. Great surgeons and medical rescuer have this planetary combination. A slow but progressive growth is for certain. Isuues with calves, ankles and hypertension.

Jupiter in Shatabhisha becomes difficult as one has to work many times more then everybody else. His dignity is very low and Saturn clashes with believes and faith. Still good for counceling or accountancy in the medical field. People with this influence will set up their own belief system. Stability in relationships will only be happening much later in life.

Saturn here will become very mystical and flexible with many touches of therapies that can be applied. Many proffesions and and its strive will fruitify here. Issues with arthritis, rheumatism, heart troubles and bone problems.

Rahu in its own nakshatra creates the materilistic ideal for the proffesional medial service. Very good for all tech-jobs, where powerful egoes and manipulation is the game. Change of heart much later in life 42-48.

 Ketu in Shatabhisha is the old healer, having alternative perspectives   towards attachments and personal gains. They are very detached as   well from people and stimulates this principle throughout all healing   methods. They are not good in personal relationships but can maintain   plantonical relations for life.

Friday, October 7, 2022





The Sun transits this lunar mansion from 6th of February until 19th of February


The Star of symphony


Danishstha consist of four little stars in the head of Delphinus which is half way in Capricorn and the other half in Aquarius. The musical drum is the symbol of this nakshatra and indicates the love for music, singing and chanting. People with strong Danishstha influence have the gift of true perceptions, they are very insightful and have great spiritual depth. The love of all occult knowledge and its compassion for unity and liberation is present here. Mars the spiritual warrior is exalted here and has rulership of this nakshatra. Powerful and courages attitude here has the ability to bring its resouces together. Fame and recognitions through courage and determination are the respect they earn. They can become over materialistic and to much focused on acquiring everything for themselves. Overly ambitiousness and even greedy’ness is the result of self absorption and narcissism that can take place here. Inconsideration and ruthlessness are the shadow side in this lunar mansion. Females are struggling more with this influence and creating trouble in marriage and relationships. A surviver mode with an aloof disposition of arrogance are the negative influences. Patience and perservearance must be cultivated here.

The Moon in Dhanishtha becomes very daring and rash in actions with a controversial ideas. Imposible to convince of anything and issues in marriage and relationships. Love of music, dance and poetry. Good for financial and business advice.

The Sun in this lunar mansion becomes more courages with strong will that can turn easely into anger. Very good for research and science. Athletic attitude with hard working principles creating stressful lifestyle. Cynical and irrational at times with caring-protecting philosophies towards social interests. Very good time keeper (drummer)

Mercury in this asterism establishes difficulties in relationships and they have to work much harder to make them work. Same in business as they have to sacrifice a lot more in the field of communication and advicing entrepreneurs. They make excellent prosecutor working for the government.

Venus in Dhanishtha creates an obsession with music and its business. They need music all the time around them. Great wealth can be established to sustain the entertaining and dancing party lifestyle. Better for females to attract wealth spouse. Very good for all technical appliances to fix or build.

Mars in Dhanistha becomes fearless to all things they love. The ruler in its strongest position becomes virtuos to archieve all possibilities in the shortes time possible. Great athlets in tireless pursuit in action to the place they think they deserve. They need to be in an excecutive position as there ego is difficult to satisfy. Ego battles makes them to prefer there own company. Heart troubles and Hypertension are common health issues.

Jupiter in this asterism is not so good for personal relationships, but becomes good for any advicing agencies. Real success only after the age of 35 with slow gain in the music or entertainment industry. Real estate agent and property speculaters have usualy this influence. Jupiters debilliation here establishes a lot of ignorance and careless attitude.

Saturn here is extremly hard working and becomes very strictly and disciplined towards its goals. Difficult childhood that established boundaries with very little feelings and care. They get married for financial securities and influences. Health problems with knees and ankles, arthrithis and hemorrhoids.

Rahu in Dhanistha is hungry for power and influence. They find ways to manipulate and gain authority. Difficult to attain mental peace, because of preoccupation of some scheme. They love to become CEO and the like, even under ruthless administration. Brillant technicians and internet hackers have those qualities.

Ketu in this lunar mansion is very good for inherithance of wealth and responsibilities. Well established family business gets taken over later in life. The financial world seems to be the playground, where personal detachments become very lucrative and calculating. Which in relationships it becomes a more platonic arrangement. As a single they can establish meaningful relations.

Thursday, October 6, 2022




The Sun transits this lunar mansion from

24th of January until 6th of February

The star of learning


Shravana consists of three stars in the head of the eagle, called Aquilla considered as the footprints of Vishnu the preserver of the universe. The truth of manifestation concealed in a world of illusion (Maya). The deity or power of this lunar mansion is providing unionship and connection towards the right journey.

Shravana resides intirely in the constellation of Capricorn and has the Moon as rulership given. The star of learning and its ability connects people with education, music, dance and ethical values. Shravana translate from the vedic as to hear and is symbolized by an ear. It reflects the ability to hear the subtle energies coming from the divine order. Shravana touches worship and being of service towards humanity, revealing a kind and charitable nature. They are very good speakers, writers and teachers. Devouted to seek the truth they work very hard in all endeavours. The love to travel and study in foreign lands and philosophies which becomes a library, where on needs solitude. They like to distance themselves from people, then seclusion is the price of greatness.

The other side of this lunar mansion can be very obstinated as it is a Capricorn attitude. They are very sensitive souls and are easely hurt by others opinions and perspectives. In early ears they are often confused and disorientated from inferiority. But become very successful in later life, when Saturn matures with 35.

The Moon in Shravana establishes a religeous nature with scholary work, excellent character and creative genius with principles. Generous qualities with a touch of politics and perfectionist are the inherithence here. They like to eat good food and they are excellent host.

The Sun in Shravana become more practrical and pragmatic, but creates issues with superiors. Very good constitution and good health which is usualy as well the field of communication they work in. More success later in life.

Mercury in this lunar mansion is very focused on verbal comunication and its business, very clever speakers and manipulater. They love and can mesmerize people with words at the spot. They are excellent real estater and stockbroker making every deal a sensation. Not so good for personal relationships.

Venus in Shravana becomes very good for all counseling, they can listen all day long to peoples problems and vice versa. Usually they get married later in life. Selling beauty products and trying hard with slow progress is the picture of this combnation.

Mars in Shravana has more patience and compassion towards listening and has the touch of good coaching. In comunication directed places like call centers and information offices are the plces where the sharpness of Mars fitts in. They are very good impersonater and they like to push that ethiquet envelope at times to far. Infamous jounalist have this Mars/ Capricorn quality.

Jupiter in this lunar mansion can be good and bad, success will only happen much later in life. They struggle in early years to appreciate the higher education. Jupiter is debiliated in Capricorn and creates a lot of relationship issues. More difficult for woman as Jupiter is the significator of marriage in a female chart.

Saturn in Shravana becomes very direct and cold, they can give advice without any attachments. There is a lot of focus of what others have to say to satisfy the introverted mental ability. They are good detectives and like to spy on others as well. They may have issues with hearing and they have a very sensitive skin. Rheumatism and injuries on knees are another issue.

Rahu in Shravana is the aspect to avoid the reality of things. They do not like to hear the truth and rather waste money what is dire needed. This blindness to the truth will leave most spirituality very superficial. Hard work lies ahead to change that mental attitude that prevers to direct all intentions towards petty compettitions and other people’s money.

Ketu in Shravana establishes a sense of calmness and caring attitude, they are very emphatetic and feel with the situation from others. Ketu enhances the abilities of intuitions wisdom and intelligence. They are not so productive but far more diligent towards spirituality. Very bad for relationships, attracts people who like to control or need to act as authority.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Uttara Ashadha


Uttara Ashadha

The Sun transits this nakshathra from 11th until 24th of January


The universal Star



Uttara Ashadha consists of two stars in the center of the Archer, which are one part in Sagittarius and two parts in Capricorn. This asterism is known to reflect all humanitarian concern. Its symbol is a bed which indicates a place of rest and the other symbol is the elephant tusk reflecting Ganeshas blessing towards securing rest and peace. The Sun has rulership in this lunar mansion to grant unchallengeable victories and abundance. Natives here have the ability to influence and get everybody totally involved, becauce they can relate to them.

They have the ability to establish a sound knowledge of some procedure to claim. Brillant politicians who can through much personal effort and persistence succeed. They are idealistic and have very lofty perspectives with refined virtues. The righteous cause that benefits all is the clearance. The first part of this nakshatra has its strain with lazziness and stubborness, they need to be fully engaged in an project or apathy is the result. The Capricorn part can have issues with melancholy and need to earn the power of patience. They usualy are more successfull later in life.


The Moon in Uttara Ashadha establishes virtuous graceful charms with pure hearted intentions and aspiration. Good military leadership with many well liked friends. Troubles from early marriage, more success after the age of 35.


The Sun in this lunar mansion establishes a more spiritual character that wants to change societies values. Very good for research and philosophical attministration. Powerful speech and fighter for a cause. Still controversial.


Mercury in this lunar mansion strives for a higher education and become a sidekick for knowledge. There is a lust for fame and attention seeking, which are ego related, especialy in relationship and its mingle in small routine at times. Clashes with authorities are very commen here.


Venus in Uttara Ashadha becomes the luxury in all aspects of live. Great benefits from spouse and relationships. They claime the ranks of CEO’s and CFO’s and get married usually later in life. Thy dominate any task with ease, wanting the best out of live.


Mars here has a even more ambitious attitude but with an spiritual approach which comes from an teacher or Guru to act as an guiding personality. It will be difficult to stop them until they make they mark. Satisfaction is a difficult task here to find. Hard work for the ever changing archievments.


Jupiter in Uttara Ashadha likes to gain authorithy and recognition, especially in the hirachy of a religion. Teachers of a higher conscious mind are the elements of profound philosophy and recognized here. In Sagittarius part, good for recognition and help from others. In Capricorn part one can loose easily all morals.


Saturn in Uttara Ashadha has the quality of escape and not taken responsibilities with ease. A more humble personality that likes to serve through some governance. Delayed marriage but good one.


Rahu in Uttara Ashadha becomes immensely proactive for recognition, whatever it takes. A strong wise guidance personality will work very hard for the rational lust of to be known. Motivational speakers and all sort of gurus have this influence.


Ketu in Uttara Ashadha becomes highly disciplined here but create issues with authority figures coming from past lives experiences. Known for pointless arguments and pitty fights. Cheatings in relationships because of mental detachments.


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Purva Ashadha


Purva Ashadha

 The invincible Star’

 The Sun transits this nakshathra from 28th December until 11th of January

Purva Ashadha is located in the constellation of Sagittarius, consisting of mainly two stars called Kaus Borealis and Kaus Australis. 

This asterism is representing the inner laws of spiritual beauty touching the higher truth.

 Venus is associated to this lunar mansion and gives rejuvination and protection towards all souls. People with this nakshatra influences have the ability to influence and emphazise with the masses. 

The undefeated star is another name for this nakshatra, giving the power and reputation which provides wisdom and fertility on many levels. The working of the natural laws and the rise to human affairs are the blessings. Natives are usually very proud and unfolding new talents and intuitive abilities. 

The primary motivation in this asterism is spiritual liberation (moksha) and the need to improve any life situation. Purva Ashadha creates a sense of purification and regeneration brought forward from previous lives. Strong independence and respect creating many friends here and supporting this aspiration. 

The other side of this talent and potential placement are the nuances of the ego. An over- expansive and carless actions without consideration are the argumentations. They are obstinated and do not like to summit to the demands of anyone. Self deception and delusions are the negative qualities, which indicates the cleansing of the pride and ego, that will lead to God realization.

The Moon in Purva Ashadha establishes some charismatic leadership with convincing power and good communication skills. Deeply philosophical with attachments to some friends and places. Health issues with kidneys and bladder is another indication with this placement.

The Sun in this asterism provides great leadership and political interest which is looking for steady rising recocognitions. Great charitable and compassionate nature reveals itself here through sport and competitive challenges. Good for foreign trading and travel industry intrests, Law and public speaking.

Mercury here will defiantly create writing and publishing skills that want to establish a mark of worth. Self help books and leisure magazines are in the hands of this natives who like to control things.

Venus in Purva Ashadha has a powerful role to play to maintain good relationships. Many affairs and struggle to be truly faithful are the issues with Venus residing here. Talents of the highest order and being at the right time at the right place, meeting the right people is the uniqueness here. Love of knowledge.

Mars becomes over sensual here and establishes erotic and sexual attraction. Ambitions, adventurous, fearless and competitive attitude, which becomes at times confrontual often for the sake of reputation and securities.

Jupiter in this nakshatra establishes the living in foreign land and the love for foreign religions. Good Lawyers and actors who can play anything are the talents coming with the position of Jupiter here. God fearing, philosophical, charitable and the love for all religions.

Saturn in Purva Ashadha is recognized with a quiet hard working attitude, they have a very strickt routine to complete their happiness.  A it of an workaholic is seen through this combination wanting to meet ends by all means, surviver attitude. Struggle in education or finding the right teacher becomes significant.    

Rahu in Purva Ashadha can become quiete unrealistic and obsessive about knowledge and foreign religion. Dealing with other peoples emotions becomes impossible here. 

Ketu creates the beauty of inner vissions and spirituality with the danger to overthink any sittuation. They can be at times mentally exhausting and have karmic relationship baggage. 


Friday, September 23, 2022




                  ‘The root Star’


The tropical Sun transits this nakshatra from 15th of December until 28th of December.


Mula is associated with a group of stars at the end of the constellation at the Scorpion tail. Ophiuchus is considered as the galactic center and manifest the end of materlism and the beginning of spiritualism. The intire nakshatra resides in Sagittarius with its Jupiter influence. Mula translate as root and its symbol is a tied bunch of roots, indicating the roots of tied misfortunes we have to accept and overcome. It reveals necessary dissolution to take apart and to distroy that new life can take its roots. Ketu the spiritual north node with its past lives experiences has rulership here. The foundation star has the frequency that transmutes the ego into the spirit. Very devouted people have strong Mula influence which can be observed where pain is inevitable and suffering is optional. Mula inflicts pain with the intention to keep towards the right track going. Powerful and bold activities are at work here when things needed to be uprooted. The dissolution of power, wealth and ignorance against the true God realization and its philosophies. Mula people are very ambitious and independent, skilled and clever. Great public speakers and Politicians. Good education and humanitarian concern creating the becoming of lawyers, business people and even spiritual teachers.

The Moon in Mula establishes a proud attractive and peace loving attitude. Very good oratory skills that love to give advice. Very charitable and soft disposition that enjoys spending money on friends. Expensive habits and attention to luxuries will have foreign land influence. Obesity and liver problems are the health issues coming from this placement.

The Sun in Mula has a different tune as it becomes more powerful and has a dictatorial advice. Experiences become very mystical and profound rebellious. Athletic abilities and courage will take all strenght to control their passion.

Mercury in this lunar mansion becomes brilliant with communication skills and business abilities. Strong spiritual persuit and a sense of being not supported. Many ups and downs but deep philosophical intrest like Astrology.

Venus in Mula is very good for overselling all products, it has a political and selfrighteous perspective about relationships and money issues. Ketu and Venus can deny all love and need to face all adversity.

Mars in Mula establishes a restless nature and a undecisive mental ability. Its good for brotherly relationships but not good for marriage. Excellent research abilities and determination. Lack of self confidence and making decissions.

Jupiter in this nakshatra provides the nature of good counceling and spirtual advice. It brings growth and development and is considered a very lucky disposition as Jupiter becomes very beneficial here.

Saturn here is good for spiritual practice and development with a slow and steady growth. Not easy and at times very difficult, one has to go with the flow and take things as they are. Better after the age of 35.

Rahu in Mula creates a bit of an obsession with occult and spiritual side of life. Lots of changes and moving around, severe transformation on many levels.

Ketu in Mola becomes very talented bringing forward past lives talents and knowledge. Soul tranformation towards detachments of all materialistic ideals. Its with this lunar mansion influence that makes you walking out of any situation without warning.  


Thursday, September 22, 2022






    ‘The eldest star’


The tropical Sun transits this nakshatra from 2nd December until 15th of  December.


Jyestha consist of a brillant star called Antares in the constellation of Scorpio and has that fiery element of Mars. Establishing a combination of power, courage and independence with all its challenges. It is symbolized as a ring or earring which was recogniced as chief or the eldest. Mental brillance and analytical abilities are the skillful talents, that can lead to a elevated positions in life. Mercury is the associated ruler here. Strenght in out-witting the enemy unstead of using all force. Creative genius is very applicable in this lunar mansion. Einstein, Mozart, Beethoven, Walt Disney all had powerful Jyestha influences. Indra the God with the thunderbolt and its association with this nakshatra is the protector of heroes and spiritual warriors representing the truth.

The shadow side causes delution, poverty and fall from grace. The Moon here in debiliation can cause serious issues of fears and the need of escape into seclusion. A hyprocritical nature of being ethical and spiritual but taken advantage of all materialistic possibilites. Internal conflicts will need psychological revaluations. The ego here becomes highly sensitive and tormented. It can call to poverty and failure on many levels because of its hyprocritical nature and secretive behaviour. Materialistic pursuits with internal conflicts become very shallow and arrogant if Jyestha is the ascendant.

The Moon in Jyestha can be virtuose and irritable in the same time. There is a smooth skillful and passionate idear in all philosophies coming with this aspect. They have a good stamina what makes them as well at times very obstinate in perspectives. Difficult childhood and many changes through jobs and places. But if other planets supporting Jyeshta it can become very powerful and great wealth can be established.

The Sun in this nakshatra creates a bit of fame and a respected social status.  A very ambitious nature with a hard working attitude and executive abilities is present here. Struggles with family responsibilities but will in time with a innovative mind and psychological talents manage to handle the situation.

Mercury here is the natural councilor and adviser, very good writing skills with the tendency of passion and its loose morals to establish a deep philosophical knowledge. Very good research and detective abilities that have a very good network.

Venus in this lunar mansion becomes very sensual and physical, which is good for theraphies and rejuvination. Psychological prostitution is the other side of this Mars, Venus and Mercury influence. Musicians, dancers and modeling personas are the regognition when this lunar mansion is prominent in the chart.

Mars in its own sign of Scorpio becomes very self-reliant and establishes selfemployment and good mamagment skills. Police work or Millitary education is observed with this planetary aspect. With this temperament it will cause excidents and a proneness to health troubles.

Jupiter in Jyestha has a profound quality which present itself through great education and a charitable attitude. Great love for children and their education, it creates many friends and a well liked honored person. Good placement for intent of dharma and right actions.

Saturn here becomes very devious when it comes to establish ethical values. Physical issues of muscular problems, stomach trouble, issues with teeth, ears and genitial problems. Improvement after Saturns maturity by the age of 35. Insecurities and inferior issues are the needle cushion for to maintain ends meets.  

Rahu is strong in Scorpio and harnesses the suble energies of psychic manipulation and abilities. Obsessions and aggressive nature. A very short temper with control issues become very plain here. Transformational sexuality. Difficulties finding satisfaction.

Ketu is very imaginative and can become very psychic with talents from past lives knowledge inherithance. It creates a spiritual work procress which becomes a very imporant utility to maintain.








Eternal Sphere

  The sphere of eternity in philosophical terms is the idea of viewing the universe as all simultaneous present and not a succession of mo...