Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Purva Bhadrapada


Purva Bhadrapada


The Sun transits this nakshathra from the 4th of March until the 17th of March


The two faced star


Purva Bhadrapada consist of two main stars, known as Markab and Scheat in the body of Pegasus. Most of it is in the constellation of Aquiarius and one last bit in Pisces. It is symbolized with varius images as a sword, a bed or cot and a two faced man. Purva Bhadrapada translate as the former lucky feet. This lunar mansion enriches the world of uniqueness, eccentrics and mystical people. Jupiters rulership here provides a spiritual fire which gets easely lost in the progress of material prosperity. Ideals and vissions of the future creating intense internal purification which have deep philosophical wisdom and originality. Natives with this lunar mansion influence love to escape from the constrains of society and its poor perspectives. They become very opinionnated and have a very active nature that wants to uplift humanity. The other side of the face is cynical, impulsive and a too fast speeking idealistic philosopher. They do not well when confronted with stress and create accidents unwillingly. Very difficult in relationships as they need varieties of residences and partners. A restless mind that likes to influence others into their idealitic principles. They easely can become very stingy and miserly. The deity of this asterism is to raise the spirit towards a domain of aspirations in life, which will take the ego out of selfish behaviour into a graceful purer light.

The Moon in Purva Bhadrapada establishes spiritual depth and its teaching skills, occult knowledge and intuitive gifts. Very good in executing work in scholary writing. Witty nature with a cynical touch.

The Sun in this asterism needs more seclusion and independence. Moody nature that dislikes routines and same same. Good writing skills and good for detailed work. Creative intelligence and government connections.

Mercury in this lunar mansion establishes excellent writing and speaking talents. Many trails and errors, needs a good plan or things get lost in small details. Business like spirtuality in Aquarius part, while in Pisces it becomes more genuine.

Venus in Purva Bhadrapada creates wealth and prosperity through partners and relationships. A sense of not worthiness of some blessings and inferiority. Good for meditation, Yoga and Ayavedic therapies.

Mars in this asterism provides that spiritual fire for disciplined religions and worship. It works well through established institutions, but becomes troublesome when once own religion becomes the only way.

Jupiter in Purva Bhadrapada becomes very spiritual and suggestive to initiations. They like to provide guidance which is hard to crasp for everyone. Strong spiritual evolutions happening through this lunar mansion for the good or the worse. This asterism is not very condusive for relationships or marriage.

Saturn in this lunar mansion becomes very scientific with all its sacrifices included. Very practical in the Aquarius part and research abilities that create sound work. Social activism with slow growing leadership abilities, in Pisces the effort is more towards spirituality.

Rahu here establishes a form of obsession towards what ever they after in business or status. They feel that society ows them just for being themselves. Some inferior complex will establish some shallow water here.

Ketu in Purva Bhadrapada has the gift of past lives experiences coming forward and establishing a routine effort for the natives, where everything has been done before. They need as well put twice the amount of effort into everything. Danger of split personality. 


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