Monday, August 29, 2022

Understanding the nature of the individual calendar

The astrological relativity of time

       Perspectives from the astrological point of view establishes a genuine identification of energies and character.

Time and its relativities speaks of the individual precision of a maturity and its meaningful necessities.  

“Time and its space creates a model of perspectives''

The necessities of a accurate calendar

The calendars units of time by days, weeks, month and years are for the purpose of reckoning time over extended periods. 

The problems with the Gregorian calendar

In 1582, Pope Gregory dismissed 10 days following October 4 to October 15 and declared that every new day starts at midnight to establish a mathematical 24 hour day and not a sunrise to sunrise natural day. 

Thereafter, a new calendar from October 16th will come into effect that would better align the months and year. This would correct the old Julian calendar, which was causing the months to fall steadily out of line with the catholic religious festivals.

The problem is that a calendar has to deal with the fact that it takes a little more than 365 days for a year. 

It takes exactly 365.1/4 days for the Sun to come to the same measure point every year. So they created the system of a leap year for chronological reasons, and moved the New Year from March 25, the festival of annunciation to January 1st. 

The Gregorian calendar has some unnatural oddities; the months are uneven, some 31 days, some 30, plus the short February. This creates the situation that each year dates fall on different days of the week.

While the natural Moon (month) circumference has 28 days in a month and 13 month a year adding up to 364 days a year from sunrise to sunrise and changes through the year. Creating a 30 hour shift during a year and adding up to 365.25 days in a year completions. The idea of an equal 24 hour’s day is unnatural.

In many ancient societies one will find different calendars working symmetrically together for different reasons. For time keeping, the rituals of spiritual festivals and personal intuitive growth.

Calendars holding a sacred status and serving as a source of social order and cultural identity. 
They provided the basis for all ecological procedures and  maintaining cycles of religious and civil events. 


Approach of light


One has to be aware of the wandering moon,

sometimes still caressing near the bluish noon.

Measures of days signified by the queen of night,

reflecting deities over wide water shores so bright.

Bringing forward the blessings to the forgotten dream,

providing save passage to that purpose keen.

Beyond the ideal towards enchanted goods,

where enduring love meets all mental foods.

Providing high to touch that hermitage,

where faintest stars are the majestic judge.

Signs of symbols reflecting infolded spheres,

slowly revealing agents of necessities coming to years.

Turning moon time table to the perfect fit,

intimate hands that speak the voice to submit.

The waning and waxing phase through daily mansions,

nocturnal mother and her love expansions.

To cover the eyes that blear feeble illusion,

creating integrity with firm conclusion.

Sweet echo calling from many lives with omens,

melodies that sustain the purity of emotions.

References by certainties in its bliss,

pensive treasures from the twinkling abyss.



Mediums knew that our souls change body into our celestials sphere after death and bring cosmic influence from past lives to the present. 

 Like a new moon brings forward the experience of the previous month to the present, the position of the Moon in its monthly circle at birth will bring forward past lives experiences.                             

The realivity of an individual time blueprint of Vedic astrology provides the acsendant of oneself and how those perspectives acting and responding. Emotions when kept hidden become like stagnant water and turn indigestible, but when released free, then it becomes liberation. 


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