Tuesday, August 8, 2023

The halogram


The universe is seen from the latest observation in the eyes of scientific theories as a hologram.

Visual realities of matter, in spectrum of another place and all its activities. This is very much similar of how the human mind should work seeing only the halogram.  An attentive mind that is free from past actions and psychological accumulation of knowledge and experience.

That moment of great joy, free of twisted and tortured by experience memory is the innocent, fresh, and ever young in perspective. The moment of perception has neither has pleasure nor pain and only an immediate contact with reality.

To understand life and love is to understand the death of the past, to be able to create love on the base of the new.

In this world the apogee of intellect, the mind should be clear and free from the attempt to pay attention, to realize that one cannot give attention. When one attend and give the mind, heart, nerves, eyes and ears complete attention; it takes place naturally. Total attention is that. When there is no resistance, when there is no censor, no evaluating movement and only absolute attention.

The organic halogram seen as the conscious of inattention that gains through understanding inattention is the place where real attention is born. Looking at problems with a conclusion, with an assumption; we are not free to look; we are not free to observe what actually is. That understanding itself is action, not a conclusion leading to action.

 Nature’s sanctuaries and its presence and whoever knows how to listen to it will learn the truth and the ancient law of life. The image of the world and universe that is formed by the interference of a coherent light source is the visible nightlight halogram for now. 


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