Saturday, September 16, 2023

Limitations of modern psychology


The eastern philosophies and therapies about our subconscious is still here in the western culture not fully understood and applied, it is more of a shopping idea for remedies, regardless understanding the real subtlety of this issues and human tragic.

Psyche is the study of the soul, but for psychology it is exclusivity taken as mental problem.

The mind alone cannot think or will, the soul alone is consciousness and knowledge. 

As long people pay attention to dogmatic patterns, there can be no intelligent healing happening.

For all wisdom, harmony, rhythms, love, purity or morality that touches the divine, comes from the power of the soul.

The psychologist will with many sessions entertain the feed of egotism, anger, creed or vanity to develop a world of sense, which is the worst what one can do to the souls of people.

None of them are able to explain what a thought is or the accumulation of karma. The mental attitude of our society is established by creed and its obvious insecurities by and for frustrated, power-seeking superstitious people. 

Society is our relationship with others and its structure is based on ambitions, separation with its pathetic vanities and envies in demanding urge to dominate and to follow. 

There can be no reformation of society as long the individual does not know to discriminate, between their wants and needs.

We as human beings are certainly irrational and contradictory in many ways that will face the global destruction regardless.

As long as the mind thinks in terms of the ‘more’ and the gaining of virtue with all attention, then there is envy.

The change from this fact to the ideal, for as long the mind thinks in terms of change through time, will never take place as there is no mental transformation in the present.

When the mind is occupied with itself, and is therefore incapable of being simply aware of the implication towards others, one does not understand the freedom of the mind and its capability of intuition.

We are in this world to meet every conventionality, which becomes all the tragedy of life.





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