Monday, September 18, 2023

Cultivation of sensitivities

The life of the mind has its own rewards.

Good education is through the cultivation of sensitivities throughout one’s life.

To be sensitive is to feel affection and be aware of beauty, the schemes of behaviors and the discipline to control impulses.

To be rightly educated is to be sensitive to the things of the earth - to the animals, to the trees, the waters, and to other people.

This gets generally destroyed by the noise of a so-called civilization.

Any excuse will do, to the self by saying we have no time for it.

The cultivation of sensitivities are more important, then the very worship of success, which destroys the pursuit of success.

Success breeds insensitivity, it encourages corruption and egotistic activities.

Sensitivity is not something to be practiced in a sense of cliché or a scheme; it is build round emotional intelligence that is the living fabric of love.

Great souls are never afraid to take on any responsibilities, while in the meantime the leaders we vote into, are only shifting responsibilities with fancy titles, implementations and all its ripple effects.

The education of the child resolves around the educating facility from the parents, who after all form society.

We are all so intellectual and pretenses in that society, that our feelings have become paralyzed and school becomes a nightmare.

It is only when we feel strongly about something, that we can actually really can do something.

Love creates beauty by her own hands, to worship and its wisdom is the cream of intelligence.

A life of superficiality is lived as not lived, the human heart and soul is the womb from which the divine pursues the loving as living.


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