Friday, September 15, 2023

The self is not, love is.

Love is vulnerable, and a mind that has built a defense against life ceases to love.  Our minds are so carefully cultivated that we fill the heart with the things of the mind.

The mind keeps itself occupied to satisfy sensations to keep the heart made empty, and the mind can indulge the richness in its cunningness. 

The poor over-cultivate the mind that worships knowledge and ideals to establish self importance and honor.

 Personally, I like to go for long walks along the fields and the woods, sensing natures silence and beauty.  I adore the night sky and like to sleep under this void of forgiveness.

But this is not love, to be gentle and kind, to do good works, asking nothing in return, is part of love; but it isn’t love either.

The totality of love is beyond the measure of the mind and takes all mental faculties into the arrest of the heart.

To pursue a method or a scheme is just another occupation of the mind that establishes the repetitive process to continue and strengthen the habit of accumulating.

Repetition of the noble or the trivial obviously makes for insensitivity, because the mind is moving only within the field of the known.

‘Love’ is not the feeling, the fact of love, the fact in terms of pleasure and pain, good and bad. Love is the fact, the reason of all what is, and one need to let that fact operate without the interference of the self.



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