Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Time and space


No time or space exists for the person who knows the eternal.


Space and time are real for the limited thinker who is yet imperfect and space is divided into dimensions of past, present and future.  That past is being continually modified by the future and ever being added to it. From the past one turns the eyes to the future where death, the unknown and mystery is waiting.

Fascinated by time one can no longer detach oneself from it.  The mystery of the future holds the fulfillment of all desires, which the past has denied and in this dreams one exist looking forward to that brilliant horizon where happiness must exist.


The mystery which captures the possibilities of some faith will not let the individual escape. Life is not to be approached through the past, or through the mirage of the future. Life cannot be approached through intermediaries, nor conquered for another.

The wrong alphabet has been given to humanity, the universe and the understanding of God.

The multidimensional universe, Gods multiple image and our different feelings to different people are all discoveries that can only be understood in the immediate present.

That eternal self is created by the perfection towards the complete self, in which all things are contained, even human imperfections.

This moment of equilibrium is creation and the fullness of all life with its immortality.


The footprints at the shore of the individual ego get washed away and the wind of the desert sweeps away all trace of the traveler.

The only imprint is the understanding and footstep of the present. The past and the future is the sand in the hourglass that needs to be turned to work.

That what is unreal has no existence and the real never ceases to be is the truths that need to be realized and applied.

Surrender your acts to the divine in the transcendental absolute that determine what needs to be done.


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