Thursday, August 10, 2023


 Love is vulnerable, pliable, receptive, and most powerful with its highest form of sensitivities. Identification and love do not go together, for the one destroys the other. 

Identification is essentially a thought process by which the mind safeguards the ego by needing to expand itself to become something it must resist and defend, it must own. Identification destroys freedom, and only in the happiness of that truth, love brings is the true self-discovery.

Fear prevents experience and it is fear that is asking for identification with others, wherever there is a need to identify with an ideology.

Truth or happiness cannot come without undertaking the journey into the ways of the self. You cannot travel far if you are anchored with an identification that is the refuge in a title or position.

The more we struggle for or against identification, the greater is the resistance to understand. The person who has identified himself can never know freedom, in which alone all truth comes into being.

Only when the outward expression projected by the inner demand of all possibilities is available, then the way of discovery and happiness, freedom and sincere love is the fact.

The concern about with what others think of the self creates the anxiety to know all about them is the becoming of the externalized and inwardly empty conclusion.

The more externalized the self is, the more sensations and distractions are available, which gives rise to a mind that is never quiet, that is not capable of deep sensation of love and discovery.

Tranquility does not come into being with abstinence or denial; it comes with the understanding of what truly is.



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