Friday, August 11, 2023

Life-force love


Love in relationship is a purifying process as it reveals the ways of the self. Without this revelation, relationship has little significance.  The problem about love is that we want it to function in a particular way, and take away its freedom. Love cannot be modified, whereas the mind wants to modify out of fears and desires to control.  

Love cannot not to be compared and hedged about, creating only a mental attitude and keeping the heart feeling unfulfilled.  

The mind that clings becomes envious, wants to hold and destroys.  

The dire crave to be loved, the giving in order to receive, which is the generosity of the calculated mind and not of the heart.

The mind is the ever seeking for certainty and security, while love is made up by the certainty of the mind.

Love owns eternity and its complexity for the mind to take many evolutions in ones and other lives to maintain its ultimate quality of love as form that is progressing and culminating in love of the formless divine.

A worldly loss turns to spiritual gain to whom the heart and soul truly belongs and returns.

The divine love in perfection needs to loose the mind in its imperfect self working like a shadow that is apparent, yet not existent.

All life circumstances are the magical love-maze to bring out the real and the false.



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