Friday, October 7, 2022





The Sun transits this lunar mansion from 6th of February until 19th of February


The Star of symphony


Danishstha consist of four little stars in the head of Delphinus which is half way in Capricorn and the other half in Aquarius. The musical drum is the symbol of this nakshatra and indicates the love for music, singing and chanting. People with strong Danishstha influence have the gift of true perceptions, they are very insightful and have great spiritual depth. The love of all occult knowledge and its compassion for unity and liberation is present here. Mars the spiritual warrior is exalted here and has rulership of this nakshatra. Powerful and courages attitude here has the ability to bring its resouces together. Fame and recognitions through courage and determination are the respect they earn. They can become over materialistic and to much focused on acquiring everything for themselves. Overly ambitiousness and even greedy’ness is the result of self absorption and narcissism that can take place here. Inconsideration and ruthlessness are the shadow side in this lunar mansion. Females are struggling more with this influence and creating trouble in marriage and relationships. A surviver mode with an aloof disposition of arrogance are the negative influences. Patience and perservearance must be cultivated here.

The Moon in Dhanishtha becomes very daring and rash in actions with a controversial ideas. Imposible to convince of anything and issues in marriage and relationships. Love of music, dance and poetry. Good for financial and business advice.

The Sun in this lunar mansion becomes more courages with strong will that can turn easely into anger. Very good for research and science. Athletic attitude with hard working principles creating stressful lifestyle. Cynical and irrational at times with caring-protecting philosophies towards social interests. Very good time keeper (drummer)

Mercury in this asterism establishes difficulties in relationships and they have to work much harder to make them work. Same in business as they have to sacrifice a lot more in the field of communication and advicing entrepreneurs. They make excellent prosecutor working for the government.

Venus in Dhanishtha creates an obsession with music and its business. They need music all the time around them. Great wealth can be established to sustain the entertaining and dancing party lifestyle. Better for females to attract wealth spouse. Very good for all technical appliances to fix or build.

Mars in Dhanistha becomes fearless to all things they love. The ruler in its strongest position becomes virtuos to archieve all possibilities in the shortes time possible. Great athlets in tireless pursuit in action to the place they think they deserve. They need to be in an excecutive position as there ego is difficult to satisfy. Ego battles makes them to prefer there own company. Heart troubles and Hypertension are common health issues.

Jupiter in this asterism is not so good for personal relationships, but becomes good for any advicing agencies. Real success only after the age of 35 with slow gain in the music or entertainment industry. Real estate agent and property speculaters have usualy this influence. Jupiters debilliation here establishes a lot of ignorance and careless attitude.

Saturn here is extremly hard working and becomes very strictly and disciplined towards its goals. Difficult childhood that established boundaries with very little feelings and care. They get married for financial securities and influences. Health problems with knees and ankles, arthrithis and hemorrhoids.

Rahu in Dhanistha is hungry for power and influence. They find ways to manipulate and gain authority. Difficult to attain mental peace, because of preoccupation of some scheme. They love to become CEO and the like, even under ruthless administration. Brillant technicians and internet hackers have those qualities.

Ketu in this lunar mansion is very good for inherithance of wealth and responsibilities. Well established family business gets taken over later in life. The financial world seems to be the playground, where personal detachments become very lucrative and calculating. Which in relationships it becomes a more platonic arrangement. As a single they can establish meaningful relations.

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