Thursday, October 6, 2022




The Sun transits this lunar mansion from

24th of January until 6th of February

The star of learning


Shravana consists of three stars in the head of the eagle, called Aquilla considered as the footprints of Vishnu the preserver of the universe. The truth of manifestation concealed in a world of illusion (Maya). The deity or power of this lunar mansion is providing unionship and connection towards the right journey.

Shravana resides intirely in the constellation of Capricorn and has the Moon as rulership given. The star of learning and its ability connects people with education, music, dance and ethical values. Shravana translate from the vedic as to hear and is symbolized by an ear. It reflects the ability to hear the subtle energies coming from the divine order. Shravana touches worship and being of service towards humanity, revealing a kind and charitable nature. They are very good speakers, writers and teachers. Devouted to seek the truth they work very hard in all endeavours. The love to travel and study in foreign lands and philosophies which becomes a library, where on needs solitude. They like to distance themselves from people, then seclusion is the price of greatness.

The other side of this lunar mansion can be very obstinated as it is a Capricorn attitude. They are very sensitive souls and are easely hurt by others opinions and perspectives. In early ears they are often confused and disorientated from inferiority. But become very successful in later life, when Saturn matures with 35.

The Moon in Shravana establishes a religeous nature with scholary work, excellent character and creative genius with principles. Generous qualities with a touch of politics and perfectionist are the inherithence here. They like to eat good food and they are excellent host.

The Sun in Shravana become more practrical and pragmatic, but creates issues with superiors. Very good constitution and good health which is usualy as well the field of communication they work in. More success later in life.

Mercury in this lunar mansion is very focused on verbal comunication and its business, very clever speakers and manipulater. They love and can mesmerize people with words at the spot. They are excellent real estater and stockbroker making every deal a sensation. Not so good for personal relationships.

Venus in Shravana becomes very good for all counseling, they can listen all day long to peoples problems and vice versa. Usually they get married later in life. Selling beauty products and trying hard with slow progress is the picture of this combnation.

Mars in Shravana has more patience and compassion towards listening and has the touch of good coaching. In comunication directed places like call centers and information offices are the plces where the sharpness of Mars fitts in. They are very good impersonater and they like to push that ethiquet envelope at times to far. Infamous jounalist have this Mars/ Capricorn quality.

Jupiter in this lunar mansion can be good and bad, success will only happen much later in life. They struggle in early years to appreciate the higher education. Jupiter is debiliated in Capricorn and creates a lot of relationship issues. More difficult for woman as Jupiter is the significator of marriage in a female chart.

Saturn in Shravana becomes very direct and cold, they can give advice without any attachments. There is a lot of focus of what others have to say to satisfy the introverted mental ability. They are good detectives and like to spy on others as well. They may have issues with hearing and they have a very sensitive skin. Rheumatism and injuries on knees are another issue.

Rahu in Shravana is the aspect to avoid the reality of things. They do not like to hear the truth and rather waste money what is dire needed. This blindness to the truth will leave most spirituality very superficial. Hard work lies ahead to change that mental attitude that prevers to direct all intentions towards petty compettitions and other people’s money.

Ketu in Shravana establishes a sense of calmness and caring attitude, they are very emphatetic and feel with the situation from others. Ketu enhances the abilities of intuitions wisdom and intelligence. They are not so productive but far more diligent towards spirituality. Very bad for relationships, attracts people who like to control or need to act as authority.

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