Friday, October 14, 2022





The Sun transits this lunar mansion from 31 of March until 13th of April


The Star of wealth


Rewati is the last nakshatra and consist of two stars in the tail of Piesces. It relates to the galatic divine womb, revealling the end and the beginning of life circles. Rewati means the wealthy and indicates the abundance of things. Spiritual growth, deep faith and devotion are the motivations in this asterism. The spiritual nurturer, protector and recoverer has its symbolic image of an female elephant as reseiding deity. Creative intelligence is given here through its rulership of Mercury. Many talents in music or literature may blossom here. Emphasy and compassion to alleviate the struggle of humanity. It comes as well with a world of inferority and the lack of self esteem. They are very sensitive by nature and overgive, and then in the process feel depleted or taken advantage off. They need solitude to protect themselves from the harsh realities of life. Dependencies to others creating often difficult situations as they have a sensitive nervous system. Difficult childhood and experiences with nightmares and insomnia are observed here. Living near water will be of great benefit. 

Rewati is the protector of the souls on their spiritual journey to the other side of the shore.

The Moon in Rewati establishes the will of independence and ambition. Interest in ancient cultures and the love of all animals. Strong affection to mystisism and spiritual enlightenment. Excellent actors and comedians, especially when at the ascendant.

The Sun in this asterism becomes very artistic and psychic with touches of fame. Many changes throughout life and the love of travelling maintains this humorous character. Charitable and philosophical nature.

Mercury in Rewati becomes very deep when it comes to comunication and writing. Deep spiritual frequencies that touches music and mystical stories. Difficult for relationships and business. They need to listen to good advice.

Venus here becomes extra difficult when it comes to relationships as she cannot make up her mind and decides. Good for all animal rescue intentions and campaigns. Very flirtatious and sensual behaviour.

Mars in this asterism puts all his energy into spirtual endeavour, trying to get real spiritual values. Very fundamental approach of life, loving to take care of people. Very good for all musical approaches.

Jupiter in Rewati provides from early childhood a highly creative mind that is directed by spirtuality to become a spiritual teacher or adviser that can create unique interpretations. Not so good for personal relationships.

Saturn in this lunar mansion becomes the fisherman always looking for deeper meaning and ideal love compatibilites. Finding the truth about self enlightenment and spirtuality becomes the life search here. After the age of 35 circumstances will improve. Patience become the fruits, being content.

Rahu in Rewati creates talents in all technical fields and analytical procedures. Independence and manipulative characters that cannot be held back. Love of travel and avigations. Not good for personal relationships.

Ketu here establishes a very strange outlook on life here. They have the strange feeling that they not belong anywhere. Irrational and unrealistic procastinations make relationships very hard to sustain.




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