Monday, June 26, 2023



Astrology and Ayurvedic are intimately connected with the three planets which are in line with the three doshas of Ayurveda. The Sun governs mostly Pitta; the Moon mostly Vata and Mercury is related to Kapha. The Moon rules the mind, the Sun rules the soul or self and Mercury rules the nervous system.

All disorders arising from psychosis and neurosis and certain mental abnormalities — exaggeration of certain traits recognizable nearly in all people — are respectively caused by a combination of factors involving the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Saturn and the Nodes.

The word Vata is meaning motion or indicative of motion. The word Pitta meaning agitation, excitation, energy; Kapha means attraction, embrace, gravitation. Vata, Pitta and Kapha as motivate, agility and gravity respectively. Put in a different way, these three qualities correspond to motion, energy and inertia.

Any state of matter is formed by the three qualities of inertia, energy and motion just as the Sun, the Moon and Mercury are necessary for the regular functioning of this world, that regulate the health of the human body. The effect of the three physical qualities of motion, energy and gravitation on the living cell is the same as it is in the cosmos. Disorders arising from psychosis and neurosis and certain mental abnormalities — exaggeration of certain traits recognizable nearly in all people — are respectively caused by a combination of factors involving the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Saturn and the Nodes.

In actual practice everybody is suffering from obsession, neuroses, delusions and false beliefs or hug the illusion of a fool's paradise in the present.

Only Jupiter’s aspect changes the circumstance and establishes the removing of all obstacles.











1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very interesting!


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