Saturday, July 15, 2023

The Maze


The organic searching mind and the fated possibilities in a geometric field of trust is the house of action or the place of karmic releases.

The Vedic house system and its turning application establish a map of karmic consequences. 

The 6th house is considered as the place and door to make sense of it. The very Virgo characteristics that is very receptive of earth qualities in the sense of purification and analytical

observation will provide conclusions about realities to face.

Dushtana and Uppachaya house are the name given to the 6th house and meaning grief producing and improvement house.

The mysterious past is now mirrored onto this life from the 12th house, where the compulsive karma mirrors the shades of actions.

In the process of refining matter and the essence of life as conscious perception one need to look at the opposite actions, that are predominant or perhaps even “over-done” in the previous circumstances or life.

The 12th house from the 12th is the 11th house, the loss of the loss and 6th house from the 6th house. The 11th house seen as mental attachments that by oppositional 5th house and the individual intellect need to defeat itself naturally at times beyond logic.

Where our inherit knowledge is seen, where our memories from the past still operates, and the influencing present perceptions with whole scheme of what feels right and what does not.

The 5th house provides wisdom towards spiritual liberation and receives influences from the 10th house, the place of career, status, and one’s actions visible in society, authority, success and renunciation, is the best place to emerge to what we are capable of.

The 10 house is the 6th from the 5th house and again it takes some analytical clarity to see, what the detriments are.


Creative energies are infused in our dreams, purpose, desires and deepest soul longing.

By compromising that truth, those energies become blocked and misdirected.



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