Thursday, August 24, 2023

Cause and effect

When one seeks for the cause it is good to understand the effect.

By knowing why one is afraid of something, it liberates the fear.

One may know the cause, but not the understanding of the difference between the mental seeking of comfort and the truth and action that produces this blindness.

 Understanding a fact cause disturbance of feelings, it does not necessarily establish an easy mind.

               You want comfort, and that is what you are seeking.

We want to escape from disturbance and the escape is this search for the cause. Shutting the door on some unbearable situation will be still there behind the door.

When one observes the process from higher self, the awareness in refinement of every phase will establish its whole structure.

The study of explanations is not the study of wisdom, only when an explanation ceases wisdom possible.

Explanations are not the truth, for truth comes when there is observation without conclusions and seeking the cause.

This process of cause and effect, with all its ripple effect is more or less what the establishment and concept of karma is all about.

Cause and effect is a continuous process, the today is the result of yesterday and tomorrow is the result of today.

One thing flows into another, and at no point is there a halt.

Rationalization is merely another way to quieting the disturbed mind and so thought and ideas are caught in a net of its own making.

Awareness of the self as the contented link is the freedom of truth.

It is truth that liberates, not the effort to be free.

Every thought is a cause & every condition creates an effect.

The change of mind changes the destiny for its occasion and causes, then reasons happening in all things.

Facts can only be observed in action and truth in realization.

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