Friday, August 25, 2023

Clarity in action


When one is clear within oneself, it creates the sense of whatever may happen, will be all right. When there is this inward clarity, the right that is not according to one’s desire, clarity becomes the action.

 Contentment comes with the understanding of what is.

The dual desire for respectability and for some ideal action brings conflict and confusion, and only when you are capable of looking at what is, is there clarity. 

The desirable is not the fact and only a distorted to a particular pattern. Whatever choice one makes in the state of confusion can only lead to further confusion.

The thought is always stale from the past, struggling to let the new in and one has to look at it like with love, which only works when the thinker is not. There can be no deliberate action for love, because love is not of the mind.  The discipline and the will to love, is the thought of love and only a sensation of love. Then love is beyond the reaches of the mind. Thought is continuous, and love is inexhaustible. 

The inexhaustible is the eternal new that has continuance in the ever fear of ending and the eternal beginning of love.

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