Monday, October 16, 2023

The world we are


We have so many complex problems and unfortunately we rely on others, experts and specialists, to solve them. 

It was thought that science would help to resolve this complexity of human problems; that education would resolve and put an end to them.

 Only to see, that those problems becoming more and more urgent, more complex and only temporary patch ups.

Fear in any form darkens the mind, perverts the mind, and brings about confusion and neurotic states. 

In fear there is no clarity. But if one could go into this question of fear, being actually aware of it, then perhaps we could be free of it completely.  

Do we really know fear at all, or is our mind so accustomed, so trained, that it is always escaping and so never coming directly into contact with what it calls fear. How does this fear arise, becoming an attraction, what is the cause of fear? 

Fear is sustained by memory, by thinking about it. Thought, in thinking about past pain or pleasure, gives continuity to it that sustains and nourishes it. Thought which puts together time as yesterday, today and tomorrow, breeds fear. 

In the interval between the cause of fear and the ending of fear there is the action of fear. Thought is responsible for fear; thought breeds both fear and pleasure.  

The challenge is the new in the now, the immediate and it is as, when one understands that a cobra is dangerous – full stop, one does not go near it.  

There is a constant movement in learning about fear and pleasure and if one is open to the hints and intimations of the hidden fears and act in the movement of learning, emotional intelligence takes place.  Being attentive to the day in speech, in act, in everything that takes place, in the hidden and the open and being exposed in the innocent and fearless alive.

One can observe within oneself that the unconscious is the repository of the past or racial inheritance. Awareness is without choice, because everything is exposed.

Before trying to know the justice of the divine, one must oneself becomes just.

To whom the soul truly belongs, to him it will return.



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