Monday, November 27, 2023


As soon as we are old enough, our parents send us to school.

All that parents know is that one must go to school and be educated.

Is education merely a matter of passing examinations in the hope to find some job, or is it something which should help one to prepare for life. 

Then education is surely not a process of filling the mind with useless information. 

Then as long as we are afraid, we are not educated. 

Our life is molded by fear from psychological manipulation and not a happy place to live in.

Therefore it is very important to find out how one should be educated, to create a totally different kind of world to understand.

So it is really very important to be educated rightly, which means that the learning needs freedom to think.

The teacher in order to make one study compares one with other students, implementing that other students maybe more intelligent.

Giving marks, grading, comparing, and any form of compulsion, either through kindness or through threats, breeds fear; and it is because we are caught in this fear while we are young that we struggle in fear for the rest of our life.

To do something because parents or society demands it, is all non- sense; whereas, if you really love to do something with your hands and with your mind, then through that love you will create a new world. 

Happiness comes when you are doing something because you really love to do it. If one wants to know how to get rid of fear, one must not escape from it, one must face it to be free.

To love the child one gives it freedom in which to cultivate intelligence; and that intelligence will provide all.

All our education is nothing but the cultivation or strengthening of fear as one compares. 

The idealist is a hypocrite, because he is always trying to become what he is not, instead of being and understanding what he is. Looking into a framework does not give freedom.

It is the function of the teacher to help one to discover the ways of intelligence. 

It is that intelligence that comes into being so that our life becomes extraordinarily rich and we are no longer mediocre educated human beings.




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