Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The language of Energy


All physical and mental life is a manifestation of energies, which function within an organized whole.

It is easy to develop elaborated schemes and theories, rather then to open the eyes and see what is right in front of us.

The energy exchange at birth, when we take our first breath to the total cosmic energy field, energy patterns are established that operates throughout the entire life.

The elements of fire, earth, air and water are the building blocks of all material structures that behave as attuned to some types of energy in action. 

Vibrational modalities or archetypes that becomes conscious of its behavior. This predetermined fate has profound applicability through the eye and alphabet of astrology, with its time reference to understand the energies of the cosmos and the whole.

The same energy which built the unique patterns that is seen in the palm of the hand or on the fingertips continues to vitalize and sustain the body and the psyche. The psychic forces are energy fields of the unseen builders that are in become of life.

Great souls with the life-giving spirit are the sustainable energy examples in cycles of vibration and healer in times.

As all energies have their dualities in positive or negative behavior, one has to find a balance of how to handle those energies.

It is in this inner subjective existence where one recognizes the emerging progress and the defining experience of freedom.

In this true purpose there is no more contradiction to a psychological cause and effect.

There is a destiny of ordered sequences and energy releases, that this destiny in waiting to happen to offer the boundary of fulfillment.

That freedom is the most meaningful development to bring about destined events to come.

Psychology and its humanistic approach is only the change of attitude to circumstances and not the applicable energy source used in precise direction of personality.

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