Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Realm


The weary passage of time travels on the path into the realms of the unreal for the imperishable and eternal cannot be found in the real.

As a guest in this world of transient things one must not be entangle in the manipulation of politics and its issues of control.  

The realms of life are the stretch of limits to reach its potential, making the reality of things hiding in the realm of the unseen.

Common sense is the limitations that interfere in the innocence of visions and dreams. 

In the spiritual realm of indifference and beyond words, there is no harm no more.   

The realms of light exist everywhere in the eternal manner, for even a beautiful idea is the reception of a tiny light.

Mental contradictions have to lead to an abdicated mind for to evict oneself from the realm of realities.

Faith is the flying carpet that takes one into the realm of infinite possibilities.

Within the realm of procrastination and fiction is the temptation to set one's stories in a dystopian future and robe-walking between skyscrapers. Freefall is the language of the idealistic realm and its coexistence, for any given moment there are a thousand things one can love.

Times and times again one feels to jump out of once life or skin, what is a bit like jumping of the bridge in the realm of possibilities.

The force of life and the divine will, always will be towards the always and no one can pretend to know what that love is, for it just is.

As long one thinks to know once possibilities, one is limited to the possibility of other people experiences and then suddenly there are so many more.

The realm of reasons is the support in point of view and is still no reality, whereas contentment rises above the worthless things and giving reality its tangible condition of wants and needs.

In the realm of the divine spirit and soul, there is no logic or reason to maintain the clamor of the ego.

The realm for unfoldment of the soul depends on the time that is found in the truth of the self.

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