Monday, September 23, 2024


Being blinded to the inner fact and shrink in disbelief is the fear from acknowledgment, that which is the foundation of the divine in us.

It is the soul that is destined to reach the ultimate state of perfection.

The destined soul is the course of evolution and unfoldment and how it unfolds its power with its ceaseless renewing.

In a world of matter-bent awareness and duality with its conflicts it becomes crucial to require of what is and what is not.

The psychological complex with its identity issues is the egos dilemma with its bitterness or tyrannical jumping up and down on the slightest pretext. Establishing and maintaining a pseudonym based purely on ‘is and haves’, never realizing the sense of identity is not an expression of centrality of being.

The mind worships a sense of data and quantitative measurements and its technique with social respectability through conformity into a norm that is the tragic of human intellects.

Only consciousness and its virtues of higher intelligence are the identity and unfoldment into the condition of perfection, like the father in heaven. The poignant realizations of what the soul is not, is the crisis in stress, when everybody is calling ‘oh my God’, with inner certainty. The soul-reality and that we are that, is the power of imagined forth as ultimate protection.

The temptation in the wilderness is the crisis and critical state of mind where the presence of the impersonated need to get in touch with natures intuitive language and observation.

The reality of the soul must be vividly pictured and exemplified in the ego and to overcome the unsteady structure of selfhood and the confusing demand of instinct.

The soul-wise mind then has the instrumentality of the soul to create the real values, based on eternal love.

All water collects itself to the sea like life is running towards the divine ocean and returns itself gain as the river in the ever-moving life as natural art of the very being to sustain and being destined to reach the waters of rebirth.

To lose oneself in the visions of the divine order are the whisper of the right destination. 

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