Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Cause and effect


While the cause and its effect has its valuable effect in the study of physical body, it does very little to explain the psychological body.


Astrology is concerned as much with the physical aspect of a person as it is with the psychological and spiritual aspect.


  A psychic parallel, which cannot be related to one other with cause and effect, must have connections through other synchronicities of events.

Time contains qualities or basic conditions manifesting simultaneously in various places that in a way can not be explained.

The coincident and appearance of identical thoughts, or symbols and psychic feelings are the conditions.

The philosophy of astrology is based on the truth, that ethereal vibrations extend from the source to all space is a network of interacting forces.

The Seers of ancient Vedas realized the truth that we are the reflection of the universe, which is the key to understand the fundamental truth in Astrology, which takes into cognizance that relation existing between oneself and the cosmos with a periodicity of life force-process.

A certain phase of relationship exists between our conscious ego and nature where Astrology can integrate and correlate

this principle of order.

 Einstein stated; honestly I cannot understand what people mean when they talk about the freedom of the human will. A person can do what it wants but it cannot will the divine will.

The cardinal doctrine of Karma therefore is the law of cause and effect in accordance with the quote, as a one sows, so shall one reap.

Karma theory teaches, that the soul enters this life, not as a fresh creation, but after a long course of previous existences on this earth and elsewhere, in which it acquired its present inhering peculiarities and that it is on the way to future transformations which the soul is now shaping.

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