Monday, June 12, 2023

Past lives pattern



As Ketu is the signification of past lives that has its particularity on things that has not been resolved or not worked out sufficiently will establish circumstances in this life. 

It is usually the things we do not want to remember most and just taken life as granted as it is.

The slow backwards motions of the nodes take slowly away what is given, and only much later in life will give the utilities of purpose in abundance.

Ketu has the tendencies of memory that has access to all experiences, which will present itself with intuitive feelings and the emotional intellect to act in that process of growth. Planets in conjunct with Ketu and his aim of renunciation, will give the encouragement to let go of the planetary energy.

Ketu and the Sun usually bring out issues with institution of government, work, ego, difficult relation with father, identity crisis, strong psychic energies.

Ketu and the Moon are considered as spiritual salvation and establish talents in clairvoyance that can easily get out of hand at times. The focus here is the inner developments of spiritual disciplines and sattvic (pure living).

Mercury and Ketu bring the book of knowledge into the realm of purpose and create interest in the mystical forces and the love for Astrology.

Mars and Ketu are very disruptive in behavior, which indicates energies with power struggle that is insecure to lead. It is a good combination for engineering and computer science.

Ketu and Venus combination bring unsolved relationship issues into the context of this life. Any addiction and its emotional baggage, or establishing boundaries are very fragile here. Fear of rejection will discard them without a chance to develop.

Jupiter and Ketu conjunction establishes deep philosophical knowledge and past lives experience with spiritual masters that will repeat it self. It is a very difficult conjunction for females and finding the right partner in marriage.

Saturn and Ketu are the two malefic containers of energies that will flow over with its issues in this life to renounce and to separate. The practicalities of life and the search of inner possibilities, can lead to endless wandering and find happiness, by being poor.



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