Sunday, June 11, 2023

The karmic axis

Some houses in a chart are related to past lives karma, the 4th, 8th and 12th house are moksha or enlightenment faculties where past attachments are dominant. 

Any connection in those places with Rahu or Ketu at birth creates an extreme focus on past lives issues.

The axis’s are points are complex and hard to fathom, it pulls one apart and churns the ocean of emotions creating psychological turmoil that leads to the meaning of life.

As the memory is mostly involved in that transformation, it deals with fears and subtle desires within out consciousness that have to be brought out. Ketu links the experience from past lives and Rahu relates to the experiences in this life.

Our present experience is colored by past actions and we live by it, not realizing the havoc it creates in this unbalanced polarization.

The person that is not fully present in new a perspective in action will always create a backwards flow of true possibilities.

Ketu is the keeper of past lives talents in knowledge that wants to be utilized in new dimensions, otherwise it establishes deep rooted unhappiness.

The karmic purpose works with the spiritual purity, to reconcile the outer perspective with the inner one.

The dark and light in one are only visible at an eclipse and establishing vice versa energies regulations at rare times.

Those frequencies impulses and their meaning are only in times with sudden insight dawn understood, after many years of search and wondering.




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