Friday, May 12, 2023

The origin of the zodiac


The origins of the Zodiac


It is very obviously by observing the Moon and its waning and waxing movement to determine a natural indication and trigger point to nature’s calendar.

The simple daily zodiac and its asterisms indications with planets can be easily observed by consecutive positions of the Moon.

The Moons movement has its natural circle that relates as well to the feminine menstruation peaks and lows.

The Moon and its relation to the month have been looked at throughout ancient times and established the heavenly clock.

That makes the lunar mansion and its 27 days and 13 month return (364) the perfect fit for the year without any leap year.

The sidereal reflects the stage of intuitive human culture and remains a status quo to uphold its deity insight and interpretation reference.

 Our primal connections to the changing qualities are the dominant archetype.

The divine forces and its magical consciousness in which we live, in that we must bow down to, given birth, shaping the human will and determine the possibility to take adversity into solutions.




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