Tuesday, July 9, 2024



The noble process that grows out of the putrefaction process of ferment, establishes new life out of the regenerating dark.

The alchemist call this the peacock tail or the rainbow, uniting the above with the below and from within and beyond.

The inner life force rises out of the invisible vision that changes the seeds of action.

 Its base components have been broken down and coalesces all impurities, known as the alchemist gold.

Coagulation represents what we bring into the rebirth and make solid out of the state of fluid infinite possibilities.

Spiritual strength is the emotional equilibrium of the conscious mind that brings inspiration out of the dark into the light.

Coagulation can be considered as the development of spiritual strength.

The maturity of planets a well known method in Vedic astrology gives the same process a profound predictability of energies taken its forces into a timeframe.

The egg and its golden yolk or the inner and outer potential are joined in one continuous circuit called the quintessence or the 5th harmony, with its inclusive unity of pure compassion.

The spirit in all of us knows its individual frame of time that determines the polarity and duality and process with the spirit of eternal oneness.  

The continuous circle of creation in thought, words and actions is the spiritual evolution, bringing the spirit in its equilibrium to the maturity of the soul and its natural nobility.

In the stillness and inner realm we find that the inner gold is the transformation that embraces the certainty of conscious awakening.

The spirit must spark the light to vivify the ferment for the mass, for in the depths of ones being, is the living completeness with God.

Perfection is the moral story for the eggs to roll and the first birth of the spirit from the body, the second birth is the birth of the spirit or God itself.

When earnestness ferments into sentimentality to fester over disappointments, it will roll all over the place.


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