Thursday, November 16, 2023


Because of silence everything exists.

Every thought and idea comes from out of silence, often surprised.

The mental chattering at times is acing for peace of mind.

Silence is where you are, in yourself, beside yourself and in all it self.

Stillness is the summation of all energy and intelligence.

In rest and silence the body heals itself with the sensitivities of the body and the mind assured.

Intelligence has nothing to do with knowledge or information.

Intelligence is always in the present regardless of time.

It is the intensity of innocence that regards of living, brings in a wholly different meaning. The new born moment and in that light of silence, all problems are dissolved. Silence is freedom, and freedom comes with the finality of a complete order.

The reality and sadness of life is, that we trying consistently to fill the emptiness with every conceivable trick of the mind.

It is only when the mind transcends time that truth becomes visible.

That time has no division between the seeing and the doing.

Bondage belongs to all societies, religious beliefs and faith in otherness. For silent love is anonymous and is the beauty of action, which is love. Its ecstasy is not in the eye of the beholder; its bliss comes out of complete silence.

Seeing and thinking are of two different orders altogether, love and beauty have no opposites and are not the outcome of inward poverty. Therefore love is always at the beginning and has no end.

The stillness of truth is the light which illuminates the whole of life and in this light all things become clear for the true nature to view.

The sound of silence is the philosophy when visions that where planted in the mind that still remain. It is the auditory experience of pure time.

Can one perceive silence, or is just the absence of sound or the space between the notes that are so important, or in matter of fact the space between all.

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