Friday, February 16, 2024

Sixth Sense


The notion of awareness, that one can reach of the outside world from the center of awareness and its intuitive faculties.

Sill a realm of scientific investigation what are the objectivity of this called sixth sense of intuitive perception.

We are all aware the universal awareness in the mane of collective consciousness. 

There is no monopoly on intuition as much there is no language that controls all logic. 

Some religions are specific like the Tao or Buddhism and declaring that intuition alone create perception that goes beyond all words and its comprehension.

 For this faculty creates awareness of transcendent presence, of a permanent aspect of reality.

The seat and peace of mind that is free of lingering judgment is the abyss of healing, where the trust in life feeds the intuitive awareness.

Those transcendental states are easily observed with animals, living in different states of awareness.

The emptying of the mind of self-illusion and its worries has to reach the heart of compassion, which works like a mirror, observing the vision that can touch its transcendent bliss.

Love, beauty and its virtue are the segments of this void.

The person who uses the reflection of the heart makes the sixth sense his first and making it a sense of wonder.

Faith is part of the sixth sense, which works without any reason.

Unfortunately the sixth sense cannot make up for all the lack of common sense. It is for some a life story to find the way to the inner teacher and its writing on the intuitive black board.

A pet show their intuition with the use of the nose, to read the heart of a person and is the oracle of its activation.

By the moment one knows which way it’s going to be, by listening to the sixth sense; everything will be lined out on the way.

The teaching of the Tao claims this as the transcendent act.

 The union between the meditate mind with the absolute wisdom is the suspension in peaceful intuitive mutual illumination.

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