Tuesday, May 7, 2024

No Simple way


 The simple way is not the way of human nature in a long time, to keep us learning through tragedy and deprivation, to let go of the fears, which is controlled by the ego.

Reacting from the ghosts of the past, which manifested it self in some semi-conscious or psychic nature.

It is only when the human soul has seen its ego patterns, which are destroying the moral temple that scatters in the wind, the healing of the soul can begin.

It is not a simple way for the mother to unite in her arms, when one comes to earth and it is no simple way when father’s arms will lift us up when departing from here.

The law of truth is simple, for its voice is deep and the base choir singing, as you sow, you will reap.

The soul of truth in eternal life with God is the hold to the last.


 The swing of the pendulum with its society and paternal authority is the terrifying ghost of the past.

Half baked knowledge and vague attempts founded on glamour and self-deception to compensate the fear as an aggressive attitude is the display of inferiority.

The divine gospel in its simple way is addressed to the individual realization in consciousness, as the holy water.

To become separated from the past that limits to lighten up the heaviness of human emotions.

The human covenant and coming together of souls is the integration of life and love as consonant of harmony.

Love in the divine sense is all inclusive in the state of an eternal plural diversity, as seen in the night sky.

One simple way to explain this is, as you look at the night sky, the universe is looking at it self, through your eyes.

One just has to follow that way.


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