Monday, June 17, 2024

Let it be


A simple statement and metaphor, when one decide to let it be, and open a position to move on.

Let it be, therefore is the wisdom of silence creating stepping stones to embrace the new point of view.

It is a kind of testament in forgiveness and feeling the strength to move on, creating in the same time a symbolic memory.

The only hope there is in times to let it be and turn inside to the divine body, for it can be all.

Let it be is the statement that everything happens for a reason and is the beauty of resilience and perseverance.

It is the song of inevitable growth and that love is the immensity in any present.  The elevated new opportunity is for certain to embrace all old uncertainties.

The symbolic memory rings the bell to focus on what truly matters in life. Trusting ones intuition knows the bold path to take.

Let it be is a personal fulfillment and a priceless reminder to be grateful for the little things in life.

Let it be is the inviting diversity into the dream of divine authenticity, for he spoke those words right at the beginning.

Let it be is the name of the train on the journey one need to trust.

Let it be states that there is no gain without sacrifice and it is seldom that to little be said and too much is done.

Let it be should not be manipulated with reasons that supports once point of view.

Let it be is not to delve into matter which matters little, but a recreation for the spiritual mind.

Let it be is the purpose of life that is fulfilling the rising of heights from the deepest depths of life.

Let it be are the lyrics, that peace will not come to a lovers heart so long as one will not come love itself.


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