Saturday, July 27, 2024



Easily seen the Orion’s belt as three stars considered as the waist of the hunter, between Taurus and Gemini, Orion comes from the name warrior.

Orion a demi-god and son of Neptune and Euryale showing a character that will take on anything to prove their courage.

If this courage is used for flaunting bravado for the sake of vanity, it will fail the sincerity and wisdom that is inherit here.

The seeking comfort and pleasure of life is a sort of chase after the golden deer, where the sensory attachments craving for sensations.

Courage and its stimulus of fears is a matter of confrontation and its careful planning by simply being the wise jack of all trades.

Orion’s death by Artemis the goddess of chastity shows the importance of the little things in life that have the big effect.

Or the scorpion sting that killed the hunter, after the love affair turned sour.

The Vedic lunar mansion for Orion and Betelgeuse is Ardra and associated to Rudra the storm god to create the perception of clarity that comes after the storm and the lesson that power and intelligence is like a double-edged sword.

The abuse of power is a need for cultivating gratitude and appreciation to establish the external life, for it is the shadow of the inner life.

Ancient Egyptians speak from the stars in the belt, as the resting place of Osiris the god of fertility, agriculture, afterlife, resurrection and vegetation.

One will be born in the stormy seas of a Rudra when the Moon is placed in this asterism at birth on an odyssey that will turn the tears into the perception of clarity that reveals itself.

When the progressing love of form, culminates in the love of the formless, the guardians of that spirit are the living inspiration to dream loud.


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