Saturday, August 3, 2024



Politicians and their sponsors thinking in terms of tribalism that has become the glorified new world order.

One tribal group against another tribal group and another fanatic belief against all is the on going story.

The intelligent human being can observe this on the daily base creating a lot of mental confusion with its psychic residue.

Religions have divided human with one ideal against another ideal.  Revealing the real crisis in our lives, this is not economics or politics, but the crisis in our consciousness.

The nature of our collective consciousness and its intuitive working about in the individual is the whole existence.

Our consciousness is our whole existence within the intuitive perception beyond time and eternal.

Our consciousness is the common ground of all humanity throughout history and so we are all standing on the same ground of consciousness as it is common to all of us.

There can be no society if here is no relationship, or it is an abstraction of something else.

The artificial relationship with each other and false human compassion is the image that thought ideals, has put together.

Through cycles of human beings always living within the field of knowledge and speculations, that bring about a mutation in our consciousness and therefore in our action and behavior.

The secret society that controls the knowledge about anything will always be incomplete within the shadow of ignorance as it has no conscious consequence.

 The nature of love has own intelligence and is not a deal by will or desire as essence.

When there is true compassion, then there is love for the clan and tribes and with that compassion intelligence is in charge.


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