Thursday, September 26, 2024



The weakest link of the human is the shield of the insecurity in empty space of love where the insatiable ego is the inflated vanity.

The social media virus has its popularity by starving the wisdom with the unspoken attraction of damaged egos.

The master of disguise takes on many forms to feed pretty much every debate to establish certainty and cultivating disrespect.

The collision dramas with its astonishment are governed by blinded truth. Freedom of speech is everyone's right and should not be governed by egos acting far away from the truth.

From the point view of the individual soul, the ego develops the effort to experience the social sphere and its patterns.

The social-cultural sphere that gets caught in activities that waste pure life energies or the soul has become socialized, rather than individualized.

Divine creation is the means to an end, where the individual soul is aware of the divine-cosmic pattern of unfoldment.

Beyond the limitation of the ego is the evolution of the self in the same pattern, when remaining sensitive and responsive to the ultimate creative directives.

Societies exist for the soul as great experience and recognition, unfortunately in rigid intellectual systems the killing of the spirit is exercised by worshipping the words.

The battleground in the evolution of the egos and its societies, are the pattern of conflicts and tragedies.

The Promethean fire of the individual selfhood must be released to reach the divine purpose.

The ego slave of the matter mind has dogmas (ambition) of the social order, until one is forced to detach one self from those chuckles of life sphere.  The mental conflict of failure or weight of the past needs to find a guiding will, which are the stepping stone to divine wisdom.

Where the individual soul finally is in the experience and the fullness of its essential nature is the eternal fire working as the source to provide.

The divine soul is not form, even by all it is contents.

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