Friday, September 27, 2024



Courage is the charm to be creative in the venture to in-act the invisible idea that the tenderness of the heart demands.

There is no end to the adventures that we can have, if only we seek them with charming eyes. 

One need to be careful with the charming self-flattering then the world is not contemplating procrastinated virtues. 

The immensity of diversity and the individuality are all the charms and re-potential to make one self a part of this Chapel in blue.

The individual Avatar is the charmer and has values of through and beyond. The charm of mental space traveling is the illuminated mind into a transcendent real of activity into timelessness.

Here is where the charming relation between beginning and end or the phase of unity with the divine and the self begins.

It is the charm of being here and there of time and being part in the end of time in the eternal now.

The charming universe is born out of the divine realization in the state of relationship unity and individuality.

The charming divine comedy and grant puzzle needed the action of thought that focuses on the mysteries and magic charm to act upon the many. Thought and purpose is the plan of solution to bring a more harmonic relationship to the one.

The charm of transformation is above all, a new relationship with the self in thought and action in steps of life seasons.

Being in a charming relation with the divine creator, takes death to the all-encompassing unity without worries.

The charms of Christ, Krishna or Abraham speak of the charming truth, that there was, there is and there allays will be a knower of God, a lover of souls and server to humanity.

The charm to delve into matter which matters little is like the dust of the ground seen as glitter.

The attribute is of no values, it is the charm of the possessor that is the attribute who is important.


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