Monday, November 4, 2024




Having offensive thought and saying things about God or religion is blasphemy and can be used for offensive ideas as well.

Insulting something sacred and using names in vain is blasphemous behavior or depriving something of its sacred character, like ones own soul.

One cannot blaspheme any form of the divine; it is the moral story in societies and its comedy to maintain a class blasphemy that can kill in the name of God.

The real blasphemy is the obscenity against the divine beauty in life in which the corruption of society, forever maintains the faith of the ego to the highest order.

The divine comedy was established on the 8th day, as God invented blasphemy to have some fun. 

The next big thing will be a generic miracle pill promising instant holiness for a blasphemous amount of money.  

Politicians that maintain the gullible idea of improving the state, takes the oat of blasphemy as honor of humiliated conscience that serves him. 

Blasphemy is never realizing the effect of ones deed upon oneself to open the real outlook on life.

The blasphemy of influencer never seeing that life is what it is, never able to help them selves being stuck in a character that cannot change.

The more attention they need the further they drift away to master themselves and the one, who has failed himself, will fail all. It is of no blasphemy that happiness is the one who does well to others, and miserable is he who expects good from others.

Every thought, speech and action that is natural has a loving virtue; blasphemy will always lack these qualities.

The society of blasphemers love the captivity of false hope from which death is the only release.

Failures follow failures regardless of its name until one has conquered the self to humility that can conquer all.

The blasphemy stops when understood that we are all dependent on one another, every soul of us on earth.


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