Tuesday, November 5, 2024



Non-duality is a philosophical and spiritual concept that emphasizes the divine One in all things and the absence of fundamental separation in existence.

Non-duality is to see the world connected to everything and everyone around in each moment. 

It will challenge the rigid self-concepts and its preoccupation with the self-image that allows the real self to be complete. 

A non-dualistic reality is a unified, undivided whole, and any apparent distinctions or separations are illusions.

The Vedic text explains Advaita as the distinction between the Atman, the innermost self, and Brahman, the divine reality as the underlying reality of the world and the highest realization.

The spiritual quest is to know that one’s own true self, the Atman, is the timeless reality which is the being of awareness and its bliss.

The individual being is merely a complex unity of the senses, which are all creating individual experiences.

This knowledge produces the realization of true nature and destroys the ignorance of ‘I’ and ‘mine’, freeing from all traces of nescience.

We are all aware of our unreal nature just by looking at the universe that is free of ignorance and illusion.

The Seer endowed with complete enlightenment sees, through the eye of knowledge that the entire universe is in his own self, regardless of the self. To experience the truth one must be free from doubt and identify with the self as part of Gods love.

God is the cause and the universe the effect.

Cause and effect in the human experience are the evolution of the self to cultivate fearlessness and the love for all.

Beyond the ocean of dilution and passion, there is the unity with peace of mind, which is the greatest good.

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