Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Uttara Phalguni


Uttara Phalguni


‘the star of patronage’

Uttara Phalguni resides in the tail of the Lion and extend itself into the constellation of Virgo and having strong Sun and Mercury influences.

The symbol is a bed or two legs of a cot, which emphasizes the healing of others.The  Star of Patronage is known for kindness and compassion in service to humanity. The stage in which the soul has to maintain its purity and becomes aware of its immediate environment and awareness. Tremendeous opportunities for growth and creative expansion are the virtue of this lunar Mansion. The deity coming from this place is the leadership quality which has no constrainment or restrictions. The symbol of this asterism is a bed with the philosophies to heal others and to alleviatte  the suffering of humanity.

This is the place of friendship, giving prosperity, marriage contract and to protect family inherithance. People with this lunar mansion in strong disposition are usually very generous and fighting for the rigthteous course.

Unique leadership which presents itself with honor, courage, endurance and growth are the refined qualities in this cosmic sphere.

If not involved in some meaningful persue, natives here become very frustrated and feeling of being lost. Relationships become very important for the exchange of giving and receiving, which when out of balance become ingratitude. A great desire to control can lead to mischievous power games.

The Sun in U Phalguni becomes very much a humaniterian concern, leadership, strong pride, arrogance successful retirement, love of arts

The Moon here establishes a well liked, stable, respected, intelligent, inventive mind, tactful, clean hearted attitude.

Mercury especially in the last part of this nashathra becomes highly intelligent. A far more critical mind is observed here.

Venus becomes difficult here, it enthances the creativity but its natural leadership ability becomes very arrogant and self deceptive.

Mars will establish a mathematical intterlect and business like sales interest and abilities. This Mars and Sun quality has a fiery dissosition and can become very cruel.

Jupiter here works very well and reveal yogic powers to encourage the exploration of ones life’s spiritual inherithance.

Saturn on the other hand can destroy all abilities of this lunar mansion qualities. Very restrained abilities and slow procress is the point coming from this planetary combination.

Rahu or Ketu are not working very well here and creating health issues with sexuality, psychological idendities and digestive problems.

Ketu can bring forward very traditional religeon or establishments which are not easy to deal with.


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