Monday, September 12, 2022

Purva Phalguni


Purva Phalguni

The western Sun transits through

this nakshathra from 30. August to 13. September


           ‘the fruit of the tree’


Purva Phalguni in the constellation of Leo consisting mainly of two stars, Leonis and Zosma.

This lunar mansion is concidered as procreation of divine will and fortunes. Protecting families and establishing prosperity. The symbol of this Moon placement is a recuperating hammock. Powerful healing properties coming from this asterism with its refined imrovement of Venus qualities.

The soul procreate in its own image and that is the message of Purva Phalguni.

Its natives are influencing others very easy and with grace. A forever young soul with a zest of life is observed here. The love for art, drama, pleasure, passion for affection and the thirst of direct experiences. Ready to experiencing the next stage of the eternal journey. This lunar mansion is known to revreal the fruits of our good deeds from past lives being brought forward in this present. It is the place for   the soul to stop and rest to enjoy the attractions of life.

Good childhood and securities from home come at times with spoils.

As to much of all creates vanity and indulgence it will become exhibit and taken as stimulation. A sense of sexuality and sensual excitement is cultivated here. Rockstars like Mick Jagger and Madonna have strong influences from this asterism.


The Moon in Purva Phalguni provides a highly creative mind with teaching skills, especially in arts and drama. Powerful leadership abilities creating employment. Sexuality become very importand here.


The Sun establishes talents in performing arts and confidence through a playfulness and touching vanity. Great sense of humor and recognition.


Mercury here becomes very skilled and wants to create a legacy. Wedding planners, sensatin journalist, relation therapists, fashion industry.


Venus in this lunar mansion will reveal a very promiscuous and addictive nature to all indulgencies. Beast of burden psychology.


Mars becomes very fiery here with heart trouble, blood issues and accidents with fire. Sexworkers or sexual abuse are the subtlteties with this planetary combination.


Saturn in this asterism is not great and varies through house placement bringing forth a ungrateful attitude.


Rahu and Ketu will presents themselves with idendity isssues and bipolar behaviour. Rahu creates more excess of addictive behaviour, while with Ketu circumstances can becomes clinical.

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