Sunday, September 11, 2022




 The western Sun is occupying this lunar mansion from 24th July to 23rd of August


            ‘The mystical star’



Magha resides in the constellation of Leo, a star group that is shaped like a sickle. Regulus is the brightest star in this group. Magha translate as the ‘mighty one’ and is symbolized by a palanquin. The seat from where the King or Queen dictated its rulership.

Ketu has its Nakshatra loyalties here with the Sun. As Ketu brings forward past lives impressions, it creates here a mystical leadership consequence. Magha has the power to adapt the body and mind into a spiritual playground with liberating possibilities.

Famous teacher Yogananda (Autobiography of a Yogi) had his Moon in this lunar mansion. This Nakshatra is worshipped for protection and guardian spirit in dire circumstances. Seen and respected as ancestral tradition and cultural purity.

Magha presents itself with the colour of ambition, leadership and the need to control.

Family pride and loyalty to a specific lineage are part of this devotion. They are very respectful towards tradition and those they love. Ceremonies and rituals to maintain those qualities are deeply seated in this Moon placement. They are great actors and performers in any given circumstance and establishing the individual uniqueness. The development of the soul and its healthy ego is needed here to accomplish its mission of manifestation.

Magha’s power becomes very clear after the acknowledgment of arrogance and prejudice of status quo. If Magha is well placed by house it bestows brightness, prosperity and power with a lot of people. The accumulation of wealth is the primary motivation and can destroy all attached prosperity. The negative side of Magha is trying to gain by loosing al ethical values coming from its restlessness and a chronic discontent.

Strong Magha influences become very obvious when their lofty ideals fail to meet the power, which is needed to be in charge. Self doubt becomes very present coming from the urge to prove oneself to others. Looking for approval from people at the cost of ones own true beliefs. Their standards are high and the effort to be perfect often misses the mark of satisfaction. The Pitta energy can easily turn to cruel or fierce activities.

Sensual allurements as power games are observed here. Famous Moon in Magha people are Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson or Ted Bundy.

The Moon provides here recognision by a lot of people, the involvment in some charity enterprising work.

The Sun pushes authorithy and leadership which can come accross more like attention seeking. Kingly proud and arrogant nature. There can be a spiritual lineage which will be challenged.

Mercury here becomes very fruitful with the intellectual faculties if the ego does not come too much into play. They become facinated by scriptures and historical texts. 

The love to be of some authority or celebrity comes with Venus influence here. Venus takes advantage of everybody to come closer to its status. In male charts it creates inferiors and self pitty and the tendency towards being hoplessly romantic.

Mars putts the best effort into practice and stimulates ambitions and aggressive approaches. Male friends and brothers. 

Jupiter here will establish very succesful proffesional career in teaching, counceling, policing or in lawfirms. 

Saturn in Magha establishes difficult childhood and a rude attitude. Slowly and steady they become hard worker with the hope to get 'that' leadership job one day. 

Ketu in this Nakshatra becomes great in all acting skills. Stage performance in unique display. It works well for research and investigations. One prefers a more celibate lifestyle with wordly detachments.

Rahu here establishes power hunger and unnessary attentions. Idealism and procastinations are the painful wakeup call. The reverse node aspect brings forward behind the scenes activists with brillant abilities like hackers and internet scaming. 




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