Monday, January 2, 2023

2023 No need to turn magic into tragic

2023 Planetary time interpretation

Jyotish means light in Sanskrit.              It is a science that sheds its light on our  lives and the world around us with the  purpose of helping us to understand our  individual and collective life experiences  more clearly.

On January 17, 2023, Saturn will leave Capricorn and enter the sign of Aquarius.

Saturn is the task master who prunes our abilities towards the true purpose in life.

He will continue to stay in Aquarius until March 29, 2025.

The influence of Saturn in Aquarius is foremost about ethical values, pouring the waters of wisdom into the individual emotional equilibrium.

He is the teacher, who has only the interests to help you to focus and establish mental discipline to learn the most important lessons.

Saturn strongest influence and aspects is in Aquarius, Leo its opposition, Aries and Scorpio its 3rd and 10th position from its transiting sign.

For Leo’s it’s a time where the art of using boundaries in conjunction with clear communication and negotiation, your relationships with others will become more clear, useful, respectful, purposeful, and even more loving. This is the time to let other people know what you need and expect in your relationship with them.

Aries people need to reassess and re-evaluate long-term goals. Think carefully about what you want to achieve for many years ahead. It is the time to find a slow, steady pace, that you can actually enjoy doing over a long period of time. Saturn promotes the exercise of intelligent boundaries, setting goals of respect to friends, relatives, and co-workers.

Scorpions will feel the need to stabilize and improve their home and psychological environment. Saturn’s influence becomes very powerful here if the intentions are honest and purposeful. Be careful on how you spend your money or it becomes wasted. 

For more detailed chart readings, please email to moonlightserenities@gmail. com

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