Thursday, July 27, 2023

Comic reflection


The philosophy of Astrology is based on the truth that ethereal vibrations revealing the relationship of our consciousness with the nature of the cosmic intelligence and indwelling in them a living resonance and time influenced by the minute.

Seers of the antiquity and true astrologers of today have the ability to function in a fourth dimension of a conscious reality that enabled them to note and classify all the facts concerning the symbolic cosmic language. The Maharishis realized the unknown forces which lay back of material phenomena and grand the truth that we are the reflection of the universe or when we look at the night sky and understand that the universe sees itself through the individual eye. The periodicity of life-process is corresponding in terms of material activities, to bring biological and psychological order into the inner natures of people.

The business of selling illusions in the name of freedom and its misleading manipulation of status are the main influence of rages and fears and creating the effect like that our cerebral cortex has been surgically removed.

The law of Karma and its relation to astrology have a direct bearing upon the theory of ‘determinism’ that exists in nature and makes interpretations possible.

While we have the power to choose our actions, we do not have control over our desires and impulses. In other words, we can choose what we do, but we cannot choose what we want to and have no influence on the outcome.








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