Monday, July 24, 2023



Marriage is a bit of a landmark in life, as institution founded on love and affection and shared interests. Marriage is not an institution to establish a sense gratification. It is the basis of the family and formation as of matter of social engagements. It is the mold out of which the future generation establishes new life styles. Marriage is considered as sacrament and comprehends the equality of the partner in respect.

In Vedic Astrology the 7th house and its lord play the strongest consideration, in a female chart one looks at Jupiter and its placement and association, what sort of partner she attracts. In a male chart one needs to look into Venus and her strength of place and association, to see the attraction that creates the chemistry.

The arranged marriage practice in India and its astrological consultation advice has a powerful purpose.

It takes away the infatuation and mental stress being emotional very vulnerable and fearing the broken heart. There is no need of compensating, who is who and what is what.

The planetary attraction establishing with wife and husband will have a sense of maturity and the advantage working towards a shared interest and common goal.

The Astrologer can establish clear dispositions and can provide necessary information if the native has more then one marriage or

that some jealousy in a partners nature denying the happiness from marriage. For some males, females will just flock to him and seek him out for alliance for reputation and social standing.

Indicating a weak and afflicted 7th house and it gives a lonely life due to the spoil of possible marriage negotiations and the plenty of fish in the water attitude.

The possibility of having children and how they develop are the negotiation of the 7th house and the 5th. Finding a partner and fulfilling the shared dream is for some impossible, which needs to be emotionally digested. Some people have powerful karmic inclinations that creating many ripple effects on to loved ones and they are even not being aware of it, or want to realize it.

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