Tuesday, September 5, 2023



Evaluation is a process of thinking, of choice. 

If the mind is content and able remain within an enclosure, with any fundamental issue; then it becomes its own reward. We struggle just to survive, or do we struggle to survive within a certain psychological or ideological pattern? 

The need to be somebody and the urge of ambition and its hope of fulfillment within the pattern in a society which has come about through the collective ambition creating all lot of uncertainties and fears.

The mind is caught in the prison of its own making, of its own desires and efforts, and every movement it makes it is not aware of this, so in its pain and conflict it prays, it seeks an outside agency which will liberate it.

Hope and despair cripple the mind with their emotional content, with their seemingly opposing and contradictory urges. Conflict comes into being when the mind takes flight from the state called misery, pain, into another called hope, happiness.

 If the mind perceives the truth, through being simple and attentive, then the emotional process of thought comes to an end and one is able to listen to something more than mere ones own or others words.

 What is rooted out in the quest of truth is ignorance and the balance becomes the golden key of spiritual attainment.




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