Wednesday, October 4, 2023



The real Masters are in our own higher selves; they exist, not just as a matter of belief, but as an everyday occurrence in our daily living.

They guide our lives to makes sense to the evolutionary and purity of how to process in life. 

The adorable pictures of our individual Masters are merely symbols, images for the mind to dwell on, in order to bring the desired wisdom into being. 

They are stepping stones and reality check ups of how we denying or respecting those Masters as guides, and its forming of individual authority.

At moments when the mind is clear it becomes the end of authority.

Clarity seems to be the knower of being not confused, or does confusion recognizes clarity and is just another part of comparing confusion.

To clear up once confusion, one must not act from confusion, then every action is the outcome of a conditioned mind,

The sentimental self and its desire to be accepted in society create illusion of sympathy and swell niceness that will deny the spirit and the self of all creative thinking. 

That hide-and-seek game leads into doors of indistinguishable spheres of superficiality.

For some that are all they are and have, willing to maintain it to establish attention, loyalties, delusional respect and its right of conviction.

Our convictions have made us what we are, whether they have validity or not. Tolerance is the virtue of a person without conviction; it is in fact the most dangerous stupidity of individual truth. Convictions are worthless, if not turned into intelligent conduct, then for all self-forgetful abnegation turn into arrogance.

Each human personality is like a piece of music, having an individual tone and tempo of its own. 

It is very easy to become a teacher, but it takes mastership to become once own pupil to raise the soul and its effect in thought, speech and action. 

Those virtues are the expressions of the answers in the question, for all questions have no existence without the answers.

Life is a mental progress and when that faculty ceases, mental deformation and its physical actions become very visible.

 Love in its beginning needs reciprocity, but when it is fully developed it stands on its own feet and becomes its own power and true conviction.

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