Friday, October 20, 2023

To pay attention


When one looks at nature with attention, observes with all the senses and its qualities of light, sound or movement, it is penetrating efficiencies. 

We like to repeat what other people say, what other people do, because it is the easy to conform to the same pattern.

Nature will teaches everything what one need to learn about the self. 

With that learning wisdom creates adaptability, which takes away the fear of changing patterns.

It is this explosive and new forever young and innocent mind that is extraordinarily pliable and subtle, as it has no anchor. 

It is only such a mind that can experience, that which one calls God or that which is not measurable. Being a true human is when the spirit in its nature wants to establish a good world.

This intelligence is a state in which are no personal emotion being involved and has the capacity for direct understanding.

The body heals itself in instant action of intelligence regardless of politics or religions. Being with one self and quietly observing the workings of the mind are the lessons to learn.

To see the immensity of beauty at times, we must cut through our little personal lives.

Good education cultivates the whole of the being giving the mind the spirits depth of beauty for what it will be recognized.

Without paying attention to the faculties of life, we are without a deep sense of beauty, and its sense of affection.

Becoming attracted to superficial ceremonies and rituals, that creates attachments and authorities.

Life in itself, not the significance given by the image to life, has an extraordinary meaning to wards the relationship to nature’s equalities.

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