Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Flow of change


The difference between structure and content is the existence of a process of unceasing changes.

The river of life is everywhere, as it is the inexhaustible harmony in creation. 

That love element is never lost, it is the state of grace from which only streams the clarity to know.

To realize for many millennia that the forever changing events which affect all senses and the organic rhythms of the body and psyche display certain definable patterns of recurrence will make any events yet to come very predictable.

For instance, we speak of a lunation cycle because every month we observe a recurrence of the new moon and full moon in a particular relationship to the horizon. 

While there are recurrences of full moons, these full moons change their position with reference to the stars. Moreover as each full moon recurs, it throws its lights on events and situations on the earth's surface which are never the same.
      In other words, events never repeat themselves exactly; and history never repeats exactly the same events.

This means is that one can never speak of two identical events in the existential sense of the term, event, simply because the infinitely complex network of relationships between all "existents” can never be precisely the same.

Unless we choose to believe that the potentialities of existence and existential relations are finite.

Such a belief, however, seems to run against every ingrained human expectation and practically against all that religions and philosophies have ever conceived. 

It would be the total negation of meaning in human existence and of any possible freedom in choice.

The in-dwelling force of creativity is the force infusing all of life and the refusal to be creative is the limited self-will and it works against the true self. 

The creative channel in flow of harmony is the Creators way to establish gentle changes.


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