Thursday, April 4, 2024



The element of motivation is the driving force and individual desire that puts one in the place of once consequences.

In that world we are seeking physical and psychological securities in some kind of knowledge and influence.

This mental playground needs to be free of fears and be inspired with the heart of the dreamer. 

The quality of this flowering is the knowing and applying that love created you in the first place, and it nourishes the human psychological mind and its motivation qualities.

The courage and its threshold is to maintain that love quality, is the dream all along, and reveals it self throughout most living stories.

Any climbing in the cooperative world is absolute meaningless, comparing to the compassionate difference one can make to the world. 

With this pursuit one observes the world from the heart and making all temptations very transparent.  The right action will always delineate and define the spirit and the real character.

The doorway between the ultimate self and its full potential is the illusion of motivation created by the ego, which separates, compares and divides. 

Those mental walls and separations are the roots of all conflicts. 

All knowledge becomes pale once love intelligence and divine knowledge begins to shine.

That wisdom is the cream of intelligence and reveals that superficiality is a mediocre attempt.

Humility in love is the humility of the master, whereas the humility in surrender is the humility of the slave.

It is not the self that passes through life; it is life that passes by the self. It is the possessor that must lose sooner or later, the lover gains with the beloved and with love itself.

Wisdom existed before the wise; life existed before the living; love existed before the lover.

There nothing as old as truth and nothing more subtle or simpler than and as new as the truth.

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