Tuesday, May 28, 2024



The agreement in harmony or compatibility with our refined senses, being in touch with the divine, or the human aura in the congruent, with the magical nature of things.

A field of intellect as envelops within envelops bringing forth new abilities by certain frequencies and awareness.

The love factor of the heart will fire the spirit molecules and become the tuning point in the immediate presence.

The souls own energy field are the electronic matrices that enable to become precise. This expanding self awareness will become very subtle and one has to be very careful not to get lost in the current and belief of the spirit world.

The flame of love and its obedience will earn the key of wisdom and the levels of identification to the self in the right time.

Souls will travel when the body is at rest of sleep and leaving reflections of awareness from an etheric field, which is seen as a seamless garment. The garment is the vehicle into other octaves of matter. By the law of congruency, one can receive here the planes of the masters.

The free will is the congruency in wondrous behold, as the magnet of the heart, it is the rising action being in tune.

Being entangled in the threads of maya, one cannot sustain that vibration of true free will.

Consider that the aura is a mirror of forces within the self and the entire cosmos. Those who flow with the river of life in harmony are the fulfillment of the law of love.

Love in its fullness does not need words, it gushes from the heart like the sweet water of the running river.

Life in its captivity of the refined senses is the release of death. 

Recreation of behavior and thought is to leap into fresh air out of conceptual aspects.

The dream and the mental equilibrium have subtle qualities with the cosmic frequency, usually making enigmatic statements.

Those who can fight ones own nature for the godly ideal is the Saint; those who are subjects to his ideal to his realization of truth are the masters.


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